Oh... Dash.

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You walked up to school, a sigh leaving your lips, disappointed it wasn't yet the weekend. Tucker quickly approached you, "Hey Y/N. What's up?" He greeted warmly holding a ton of people's flower sack assignment in a strange stroller contraption.

"Hi Red... What's that?" You asked pointing down towards everyone's assignments.

"It's my new baby-sitting service! I've made a killing. Taking other people's assignments and taking care of them makes a lot of money. Speaking of..." He glanced at you, "Where's yours?"

"Ah. Uhm, it's Kwan's turn so... he's got the child till tonight sometime." You explained smiling towards Tucker then back down nervously at his baby contraption.

"You want a baby-sitting service while its your turn?" He smiled at you expectingly.

"Haha, thanks but no thanks. I think both me and Kwan would agree to keep this grade to ourselves." You smiled, "Actually... there is something I'd like you to help me with."

"Hm?" He turned away from you, tending to the flower sacks.

"My PDA... I dropped it yesterday while I was walking around. I was able to replace the cracked screen but there's some internal damage. Think you could help a friend out?" You nudged him a little.

"Maybe... for the right price." He looked at you wickedly

A sigh left your lips, "How much Tuck?"

"A crisp 20." He laughed a little turning back to you.

You rolled your eyes and handed him your PDA along with a 20$ bill, "Whatever. As long as you can fix it." He smiled and rubbed the money against his face, then he started pulling you over towards a bench with the plethora of flower sacks. He set your PDA down and took a few things out of his bag then got to work. Sam spotted the two of you as she got to school and ran over towards the bench, sitting down.

"What's up Sam?" You smiled towards her.

"Other than Tucker being an idiot. Nothing new." Sam spoke crossing her arms and leaning into them.

"It's not stupid Sam. It's business." Tucker stated smugly before turning back down to your PDA.

"Stupid idea?" You looked at Sam confused.

"There's no way you missed Tuckers army of fake children." Sam chuckled pointing towards the stroller contraption.

"...And it's a stupid idea?" You turned to Sam and leaned into her a little.

"Yeah! Y/N. What if he does something stupid? Which you know he will." Sam laughed a little relaxing her shoulder.

"Hey! I'm right here!" Tucker shouted at Sam. You and Sam giggled a little while Tucker looked at the two of you annoyed. "I don't have to do this charity work Y/N. I'll stop fixing your PDA if you take Sam's side." He frowned dramatically.

"Charity work? I paid you Red." You laughed flicking him in the forehead.

He rubbed it and giggled along with the two of you, "Honestly Sam, you just don't see the potential. Look how much money I've made." Tucker explained pulling out a couple bills smiling.

You both rolled your eyes, "Oh brother." Sam laughed nudging you a little. Immediately shutting the 3 of you up, Dash slammed his hand on the table and looked over towards you. You flinched, but once you realised it was Dash, you relaxed a little and smiled up at him. Sam and Tucker quickly picked up on your changed attitude towards him, both shooting you a confused look.

You stood up and waved to Tucker and Sam, "I'll be back in a second." They both said nothing; instead, their expressions changed into an even more dumbfounded look.

"Hello Busboy." You leaned against the side of the building. He rolled his eyes and rooted around his backpack before pulling out a few papers. It was the homework you'd asked him to do. "Wow, you actually did it haha! Thanks Dash." You smiled towards him warmly.

A small smile tugged at the side of his lips before he held it down, "Remember, don't tell anyone what happened. I don't want anyone to know I lost to a loser."

"Many people have lost to me Dash, it's nothing to be ashamed of." You giggled. He didn't look very amused, "Fine fine, your secrets safe with me." You held up your hands in defeat. "Oh, by the way!" You stopped yourself and rooted around in your bag. You pulled out his red letterman jacket and handed it to him. "I hope you don't mind but I washed it for you." You smiled up at him.

He paused for a second, eventually taking it out of your hands before inspecting it. "You... got the stains out?"

"Yeah, I've got good detergent." You looked up at him smiling but soon stopped. The expression on his face was not something you expected. He looked... happier than you've ever seen him. Honestly, you were quite taken aback. "You good Dash?" You asked putting your hand on his shoulder.

He blinked a few times before putting it on and smiling down to you, quickly ruffling your hair. "I haven't been able to get my jacket clean in forever."

"Glad I could help you out, Busboy." You smiled warmly at him while he continued to inspect his jacket. Satisfied he pat your head a little before spotting his friends and running off. You quickly made your way back over to Tucker and Sam, sitting down.

"The hell was that?" Sam asked looking over you.

"Why'd you have his jacket?" Tucker shuddered.

"Let's just say... I won a bet and now he's my busboy." You laughed a little and smiled smugly at them. Tucker immediately rubbed his hands together, plotting something. "Nuh uh! Nope. No chance Tucker."

"Oh, come on Y/N! Please!" He begged, "I'll even fix your PDA for you for free."

"Oh Y/N please! Messing with him would be so funny." Sam begged, the both of them leaning closer towards you.

"I- I can't take advantage of him like that!" You declined both of their please.

"Even after what he did to you? He put you in the hospital Y/N. He deserves what's coming to him." Sam spoke putting her hand on your shoulder.

"Who's getting what?" Danny broke your thoughts and appeared behind you, sitting beside Tucker.

Sam snickered a little while Tucker spoke up, "Y/N basically owns Dash."

Danny started laughing a little, "No way. How did that even happen?"

"I won a bet." You re-explained and rested your head in your hand.

"Aha! I fixed it Y/N!" Tucker exclaimed and handed you your PDA. You smiled and took it from him, shuffling through a few apps and text messages. No glitches. A sigh of relief left your lips.

"Thanks Red. I appreciate it." You smiled down, shuffling through a few missed texts from your dad, Dash and Kwan. Realizing they weren't important; you closed your PDA.

"How about you thank me a different way." He smiled vaguely pointing towards the busboy in question.

"I told you Tucker. I'm not taking advantage of him." You said sternly. You weren't going to screw him over after he went out of his way to help you yesterday.

Tucker sulked, "Why not?"

You paused for a minute and swallowed hard, "He uh... helped me out of a rough spot yesterday." Their expressions morphed from disappointed to concern.

"What happened?" Danny asked first. Sam and Tucker nodded urging you to continue.

You shook your head, "I just... got lost." You lied again. You seemed to be lying a lot more than normal these days. It made you sick.

"You got... lost?" Sam repeated and raised a brow.

You bit your lip, "Yep! He happened to find me after I broke my PDA and helped me out."

"...And... He actually helped you?" Tucker asked leaning in closer.

You shrugged nervously, hoping they'd believe you. You looked at Danny nervously and practically begged him for help. He blinked once or twice before switching the subject to Valerie and how she wasn't pulling her own weight in the project. Tucker and Sam dropped the subject and soon after, the bell for class rang. The four of you stood up and started heading to class before Danny grabbed your wrist, holding you back. He glanced at you then back to the retreating figures of Sam and Tucker.

"What really happened?" He asked, making you sit back down.

You let out a sigh and hid your face in your hands, "I... I had another encounter with my ex yesterday." Danny let out a shaky breath before stumbling over an apology. "Danny, chill out, nothing happened... At least, nothing happened because of Dash." You glanced over to see him just entering the building laughing along with his friends. Danny furrowed his eyebrows and urged you to go on. "My ex was insistent on dragging me over to his place. Literally. He was dragging me away and Dash found me and helped me out of that situation." You explained, unable to keep eye contact with Danny.

You played with your hands a little before Danny spoke, "How does that lead to a bet?"

"Well- I knew it was a bad idea... but I let him into my house after he walked me home and eventually, he said he could beat me at doomed... one thing led to another and now he's my bitch." You explained.

Danny let out a small laugh before running his fingers through his hair, "...And you're, okay?" He glanced over you a little.

You smiled at him warmly, "Better now that you're here, Danny." You giggled a little.

Danny's cheeks dusted a little pink, and he stood up quickly, "C'mon... we uh... gotta get to class." He mumbled out before making his way over to the doors. You followed behind him, giggling as you both made your way to class.

"Oh, that remind me Danny! I finished the space movie we watched together." You announced.

His eyes lit up, "Yea? How'd you like it?"

"I loved it! The ending made me cry though." Your eyes lit up with his.

He let out this ecstatic small giggle as he held a wide smile before calming down a little, "Me too. Don't worry, that movies emotional." He reassured you.

You both stepped into class and sat down the second the bell rang.

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