I don't feel so good

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!!!TW!!! Mentions of blood and violence!!!
Please skip the TW if you're uncomfortable with mentioned above.

You rubbed your eyes and groaned. Slowly, you reached over to the blaring sound of your alarm and turned it off. Carefully you sat up and opened your PDA, immediately going to text Dash before you quickly stopped yourself. Oh yea- Aha. We don't say good morning regularly anymore. You let your arms relax and you rubbed the back of your neck a little awkwardly. The hurtful feeling in your heart had died down a little, as those memories fogged over. You were slightly grateful at that, it allowed you to detach your feelings towards Dash a bit more.

You let out a deep sigh and sat up. Another thing you were grateful for was, the fact the memories weren't totally gone. All the ghost fighting you did didn't go to waste. You still kept all the experience, along with the knowledge you got during each fight. It also helped you relate to Danny a bit more now. The town wasn't very happy about your presence either. Although you weren't a ghost, the idea that some kid was meddling in their affairs wasn't looked at lovingly, you know?

You yawned and pulled yourself to the bathroom. You were still in the clothes from last night, you never changed out of them. I guess you were too exhausted from everything that had happened. Slowly, a memory crossed your mind and you reached into your pocket. A sinking feeling quickly followed as it felt empty. You shuffled around each of your pockets, finding absolutely nothing. Running back out of the bathroom and into your room, you searched around. Ripping off the covers, looking through the sheets and even checking around the corners of your room. Whatever Dash had given you yesterday as a note, was now gone. You had lost it. You bit you lip and cursed at yourself as you took one last glance around the room. How could I lose something like that!? Did it fall out of my pocket while flying? Did I somehow miss my pocket? Ugh how could I be so dumb!?

You took a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. You just... wouldn't mention the note unless Dash brought it up. Yea... yeah that seems- fine. You swallowed hard and shook it off, continuing to get ready.

You slipped on your shoes and glanced behind you; your dad giving you a slight wave as he continued to read the paper. "Bye dad!" You said in response before closing the door behind you.


You stepped into school, a nervousness following you around. Slowly, you snuck around the halls checking down each of them to make sure Dash wasn't down any of them. Unable to spot him, you let out a breath of relief, stepping out from hiding only to get immediately startled by an arm swinging around you.

"Boo!" Dash snickered, scaring you a little.

"Ah! Jeez Dash... you scared me..." You paused for a second, "Oh! Dash! How uh- how are you this morning?" You stuttered out, looking up at him nervously.

"Good..." He said removing his arm from you. "So... uh- what do you think?" Dash asked, shuffling around on the spot nervously. You bit your lip; a worried expression falling onto your face. He blinked a few times at your reaction, "Ah... I see." He spoke, deflating a little.

You jumped up a little, "Uh! No! Aha... I... I don't know what you're talking about." You said putting your hand on his shoulder.

He looked at you confused, "You didn't read my note...?"

Your mouth fell into a straight line, you had to tell him the truth, "Dash I... I lost it going home yesterday. I was so exhausted and I... I just- I'm sorry." You spoke quietly, rubbing your hand on the back of your neck.

Dash looked at you sympathetically before a slight pink tint fell onto his cheeks, "Ah. I uh- I guess I'll just tell you now..." He paused for a moment, thinking of the right words.

He leaned in close and placed his hands beside your head. His face quickly grew a deep shade red, "I... I... Ugh! Forget it." He said moving away from you.

You looked at him confused, "Dash...?"

He shook his head a little and shrugged you off, "I'll tell you later." He rushed off without looking back at you.

You felt your heart ache a little, I hope it wasn't anything to do with his dad... interrupting your thoughts, you felt a sharp pain in your neck, causing you to slap it. You uncomfortably rubbed the spot that was bitten. You let out a small sigh and turned around defeatedly; going to find your three other friends.

As you made your way over, your fingers, face and feet grew colder. You rubbed your hands together, blowing warm air on them. A shiver ran its way down your spine as you touched your fingers to the back on your neck. Jeez it's cold in here... You quickly spotted Sam and Tucker and made your way over towards them. "Hey guys." You waved walking up to them.

Sam turned around first, "Jeez! Are you okay Y/N? You look really pale." Sam looked over you worried.

You gave her a confused look, "I'm just cold." You said rubbing your hands together again, a thin layer of ice quickly becoming present. You looked down at your hands shocked, quickly hiding them behind your back, a nervous smile displayed on your face.

"You didn't happen to be bit by a bug by chance...? Would you?" Tucker asked you sceptically.

"Uh- I don't know... Maybe?" You let out a shaky breath, it being clearly visible. You looked between them and gave them a nervous smile. "I- I'm just... really cold." You lied.

Sam narrowed her eyes before quickly hunching over a little, a groan leaving her lips, "I don't... feel so good..." She stated, holding herself up with her hand on the locker. You quickly ran to her side to help her.

"You're the one who's not looking too hot... let me take you to the nurses office." You said, pulling her arm over your shoulder so she could lean on you.

Tucker quickly backed away, "haha...! you do that! I'll be waiting right here once you come back."

You gave him a confused once over before pulling Sam with you, "Come on... let's get you some help."

Sam groaned a little, "You need help too. You're freezing."

You smiled at her reassuringly, "I've got a sweater... don't worry." You said, your breath still just as visible as before. She relaxed into you as you dragged her to the nurse's office, quickly laying her down in one of the beds. Startling you, Danny flew in and dropped Dash down on a bed beside Sam. "Dash?! Danny?" You said looking towards the both of them concerned. Dash was out cold as Danny stepped away from him carefully. "What's going on Phantom?" You asked.

He paused for a minute looking you over, "I'm not sure... I think it has something to do with these ghost bug bites. They seem to be affecting everyone."

"Ghost bug bites?" You asked.

"Yea." He stated dryly, "Bugs from the ghost zone got into the school somehow... You weren't bit, were you?" Danny asked crossing his arms, raising a brow at you.

"I was bit... I think? But I feel fine." You shrugged. Jinxing it, your feet phased through the floor. A shriek left your lips as you fell through. Danny quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you up, grounding you again.

"Ghost bite. Hm..." He thought out loud, keeping a grip around your upper arm to make sure you couldn't fall through the ground again.

"I'm okay Danny! I swear, I don't feel sick." You stated, pulling yourself away from him a little. He looked you over, unimpressed. "Not like them anyways." You gestured over towards Sam and Dash on the nurse beds.

Danny crossed his arms and huffed, "Yea, but you don't normally phase through the floor. That isn't normal."

"In our friend group I think it is." You giggled a little, a cold breath leaving your lips again.

Danny loosened up a little at the joke, "Sadly most people don't have ghost powers." He said pulling you back down as you floated away from him.

"Thanks, hah..." You said gripping his arm to steady yourself. He pulled away from you as a chill ran down his spine, causing you to float back up. "Jeez you good Danny?"

"You're f-freezing!" He said shivering. You floated back down, finally able to control your powers a little. You glanced down at your fingers and frowned, the ice continued to develop, and you felt yourself become trapped in the ghost zone again.

You shook your head, shaking any thoughts away, "Yeah... you're probably right Danny. I guess I'll stay here with Sam and Dash." You said glancing towards them, a cold breath leaving your lips.

He nodded at you, giving you a reassuring smile. You reciprocated it, giving him a weak smile in return. Danny quickly phased through the wall, presumable somewhere back towards Tucker. A sigh left your lips as you floated around a bit, picking at the ice on your fingers.

Over time you slowly got bored as you waited for something to happen. You wrapped yourself in a blanket and floated over towards a mirror; glancing into it, immediately you paused. Your breath hitched in your throat as a few key features displayed itself on your body. You'd never looked at yourself when you were in the ghost zone, so you never knew what you looked like after you'd died.

Your hair color had toned down a few shades, making it look almost as if it were frozen and lighter. Your face, fingers, and certain places where scars remained from the ghost zone had a thick layer of ice placed on top. Your skin has fully changed into a ghostly shade of blue, starting from the ice, slowly furthering into your skin. The most noticeable feature on you, however, was the mark that traveled from the top of your hairline all the way down midway to your cheek, in the shape of a lightning bolt. The same marking Clockwork had when you met him. I guess it was a side effect of being his disciple. Coworker? Whatever he meant.

You flew towards a bed and covered yourself. If someone were to enter..., what would they think? Whether it was a bite or not, it was completely different to what Sam or Dash was experiencing. You actually looked like a ghost! You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes. If anyone saw you in this state... you paused and shook your head. It's going to be okay... It's okay. You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself down, slowly but surely you felt yourself drift off.

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