Change of plans

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Hello! So sorry for not being very active as of recently.
Somehow, I'm still sick, and I've had so much come up it's been hectic. But- so you don't forget that I still plan on continuing this series, here's finally a new chapter :D
Goofy sketch by me.

You stretched in your seat, a few audible cracks leaving your body as you tried to get comfortable. Joints you didn't know could hurt ached and you couldn't help but hold your head up- forcing it to not slam against the desk in exhaustion. The only thing keeping you awake during this lecture was being acutely aware of Danny sitting next to you. The images of last night flowing through your head happily. Resting your head on your hands, you tried to fight the small smile that tugged at your lips, no way you were getting detention tonight. For once, you felt a few small bubbles of happiness- as if... all the stress from the C.A.T.'s melted away. Maybe it had. Maybe just this once... you wouldn't shove the giddy feeling down, and just be happy for yourself.

Content with your answer, your eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost the end of last period. You didn't really talk about it with Danny, whether the two of you would go right after school or later tonight. Shielding a small glance at him, he seemed totally un-focused in the lecture in-front of him. His eyes glued onto an object that sat on his desk before the bell startled the two of you back to the front of your mind.

You packed your stuff haphazardly, a little shaky from the nerves. It's just Danny. Just Danny. You glanced at him, and you felt your heart speed up a little. Pushing yourself out of your seat, you ignored the people around you and stepped in front of him, "Hello Danny." You smiled happily, fumbling with your hands a little.

Danny looked up at you, his features lighting up, "Hey." He stated plainly, a dumb smile planted on his face. You let out a small giggle before a hand on your shoulder quickly startled you.

"You joining too Y/N?" Sam smiled happily, her hand moving from your shoulder to around your neck to pull you in for a weird strangled hug. You chocked out an incoherent noise, something that would have originally sounded like- "joining?" now sounded like ACK!

Tucker slid in beside Danny casually yoinking away the piece of tech he was playing with earlier, "Check it out." Tucker spoke over your panic, holding the item out towards you. Sam loosened her grip to allow you to grab it, a small tingling feeling rising up your fingertips. Looking down at it, you couldn't help but feel a small familiarity to it... like you've seen it before. But honestly, you felt you'd remember seeing something like this. It was kinda ugly. Your fingers traced along the gold edges, the spark only getting stronger the more it rested in your hands. With one last shiver, you handed it back to Tucker,

"So you guys found a necklace?" You asked, looking between the three of them.

Danny smiled sort of sheepishly, "You could say that. It fell off the Box Lunch yesterday... at the Nasty Burger."

You let out a small laugh, "Box lunch?" The three of them shook their head, a contortion of disgusted and confusion falling onto their features, "-I won't ask." You added, watching their faces fall back to normal.

"So does this mean you're coming to Danny's tonight." Sam smiled happily, taking the device from Tuckers hands, and rolling it through her fingers, only to get a grunt from Tucker in protest to her steal.

You couldn't help but feel a little confused, they were all going to Danny's? You glanced down at him, and he gave you a small, frightened expression paired with a weird smile. Giving him a small smile back, you shook it off. The two of you could go on a date another time, no biggie, "If it's alright with Danny." You said, looking over at him expectingly. His nervous look didn't fade, he only fiddled with his hands a little before giving a small squeak of a confirmation.

"haHA! Alright!" Sam exclaimed, once again pulling you into a neck hug. The pain from the previous nights training raked through your body again, causing you to shuffle in Sam's hold awkwardly. Sam held the medallion close, and your eyes trailed over it- giving it another once over. Where have I seen that? I could've sworn I've seen that somewhere. Vlad's? No. Danny would've recognised it too.

Tucker quickly snatched it back from Sam, shoving it into his pocket carelessly, "Stop messing around Sam, what if you break it." Tucker tsked, shaking his head back and forth.

Sam rolled her eyes, "Come on. You know I'd never."

"Come on guys don't fight." Danny interrupted, standing up from his desk to put some room between the two, "Let's start heading back." He said, quicky changing the subject. Sam let go of you and walked over towards Tucker slowly. You and Danny watched as she and Tucker played cat and mouse around the room for awhile, before taking off out of the classroom. You could hear Tucker's girlish scream all the way down the hall- if Dash and Kwan wouldn't bully him for that, you'd have to do it yourself. You giggled quietly, before Danny quickly took your attention again, "Y/N. I'm so sorry I totally forgot I promised I'd look into that... whatever that is with Sam and Tucker before I- "
"It's alright." You interrupted, shooting him a reassuring smile before continuing, "We'll have our date once C.A.T.'s are over."

He let out a small sigh of relief, "Just don't change your mind on me now."

"Wouldn't dream of it ghost boy." You replied, the two of you giving each other a small smile before following Sam and Tucker to his place.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now