Are you an angel?

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You dusted your hands off on your shirt. You had just finished unpacking all the boxes in your room. Your new life was now set in stone. 
A relieved sigh left your lips as you looked around - you were proud of the new layout. You were especially proud of one thing in particular. Although you didn't care for ghosts you did care for your dad, and you decided telling him that your interests didn't align with his wasn't an option. 

Because of this you left an entire wall open; an entire wall dedicated to ghost research. Your only reference being the millions of crime shows you've watched with your dad during late note taking nights. You know the whole photos and notes with red string connecting everything? Yea. That.
So far it was empty, but you were going to change that sooner rather than later.

Your dad was already out and about looking for ghosts. You had a determined look on your face as you grabbed your backpack full of things you'd need. You pocketed out your PDA and walked outside. 


Okay if I were a ghost where would I be?
You walked down the street and sighed. How did your dad do this all the time?  You continued around until you spotted a picnic bench. You sat down and pulled out your PDA, texting your dad if he wanted to meet you for dinner. After a few minutes of no reply, a hand was slapped down on your table. "Are you uhh... Are you an angel? Cause- Oh just forget it." He stopped himself. 

You looked up confused and saw someone standing before you. He had glasses and a backwards red hat. 
"Pardon?" You said confused.

"Uhh- oh never mind. I've been trying to get a date for this stupid school dance all day." He sat down across from you. He perked up when he noticed something. "Hey! Is that the newest model PDA? I've been trying to get one for weeks!" He beamed.

"Yea it is!" You smiled and handed it to him. He inspected it for a while smiling to himself.

"Why do you need something so high tech?" He asked to continue the conversation.

"Well, my dad's super into ghosts and I help him with his research. So far ghosts haven't been too eager to get interviewed haha.." You replied, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly.

Half listening he replied "I know a few things about ghosts..."

"WHa-! You do? Would it be okay for me to ask you some questions?" You smiled and leaned in closer to try and convince him. 

"oH! Uhm. Aha. AHA. No. YEs? Uh- I mean I don't know that much about them. Just a few things I've picked up?" He nervously answered, making his last statement sound more like a question than an answer. 

You smiled brightly and rooted around your bag for pen and paper as he nervously sweat. 
"The names Y/N by the way. Yours?" You asked, still head deep in your backpack. 

"Tucker. Tucker Foley. Nice to meet you." 

You came out of your bag and wrote his name down before starting the interrogation. He stuttered his way through most of them giving half clear answers and others leaving you with more questions. Like. What do you mean ghosts shoot lasers from their hands???

You begrudgingly decided to stop the questions. I don't think he knew that much about ghosts. You sighed. 
"Thanks for the answers, I think I'm good for now, red." 

"Red?" He asked

"Your hat yea?" You pointed to his hat. He glanced up and patted his head with his hand before smiling brightly. Immediately it sank again. 
"I still don't have a date! Sorry I gotta go! See ya Y/N" He set down your PDA and rushed off down the street.

Just then you got a notification from your dad. 
Dad: Dinner sounds good. Your treat?
Y/N : Dad, I'm 14. 
Dad: HAha, forgot lol. See you at home.

Your eyes softened at the PDA. Any stress from that encounter dissapeared as a chuckle slipped past your lips. Slidding out of the bench, you shut off your PDA and started heading home. Although it wasn't ghost successful, it was friend successful. You hoped he went to the same school you would. You'd have to go in a few days. The excuse of "just moving in" only works for so long. 


"Hey dad, any ghosts today?" You asked, setting the table. 

He walked over and pulled you into a hug. "Yea! Can you believe it? This time it was at the mall." 

"???????????" You stared at him confused.

"You'll catch onto the whole ghost thing soon enough. Don't worry." He let go of you and turned around. He says that like he fight ghosts on the daily.

You let out a small sigh and sat down in the chair across from his; he was cutting two pizza slices out for the both of you. Quickly moving the box over, he put a piece on each plate and set the box in between you guys, "What were you up to today?" He asked, taking a small bite of his pizza.

"I was ghost hunting too dad!" You beamed hoping he'd have a reaction.

He looked up from his slice and smiled, "Any luck?" 

You gave him a small smile, "No.. but I did meet a friend? I hope." You shyly stated, taking your first bite.

"That's great! Does that mean you're gonna start school soon?" He asked mouth full of pizza. You looked away from him, worry lacing your eyes. He noticed and put his hand on your shoulder. "You'll do great. Now you also don't have to worry about moving, this place is a ghost researcher's dream!" You looked back at him and sighed. School might not be so bad.

"Yea, I'll look into it don't worry." You finished up and put your plate away. Giving one last glance towards your father you went upstairs back into your room. You had other research besides ghost research to tend to it seemed. School. Gross.


Casper High school hm? I hope Tucker goes there.  You smiled as you printed out your registration confirmation form. You needed a few things before being able to go. You needed your dad's signature and an evaluation from the school. You went downstairs to find it empty, your dad had probably gone to bed. Shuffling around some drawers for a moment, you quickly found a few post-it notes and a pen. You wrote a small note on it, telling him to sign your forms before tapeing them both to the fridge haphazardly. Stepping back for a moment to make sure they wouldn't fall, you tossed the items back into their respected drawers before making your way back upstairs. 

You set an alarm for the next morning. You'd have to head into school early to get an okay from the principal. 

You crashed down in your bed exhausted and drifted off to sleep. 

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