Strange hobbies

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The rest of spirit week went on fine. You told Mr. Lancer that you'd confided in your friends and family about the bruise; he begrudgingly accepted your excuse to no longer see the guidance counsellor. You had gone over to Sam's house a few times to play Doomed. She helped you grind the levels and even tell you a bunch of cheat codes. She whispered them to you almost as if someone was listening, even if we were in the confines of her own home.
Tucker kept you on the brink of insanity. Every time you'd try to mention video games to him, he'd dismiss it and say girls didn't play video games. Men. He did however continue to give you vague ghost hints which you added to your wall gratefully.
Danny had been out of it a little. Although you sharing things made both of you a little closer, he still disappeared a lot while hanging out. Every time he did so, he promised to buy you lunch, so you didn't mind all that much.
Kwan and you hung out at school, and he promised to defend you from Dash if anything happened. He kept up to his promise and eventually, Dash stopped bothering you while you were with Kwan. You decided every Thursday you'd make the tradition of getting that grilled cheese he called "mean".
Finally, Phantom had basically disappeared from your life. You heard him go around a few times the news saying he was causing a little bit of property damage, but that was about it. Every now and again you'd go to that park to see if he'd show up, but he never did. It's not like you minded, he probably resided in... wherever ghosts go. Although you knew nothing about him, you still considered him a friend.

Luckily for you, once spirit week ended, the guidance counselor also left. Why? You'd never know; but you felt it was better that way. She seemed to be making a ton of people miserable while staying here. You'd never imagine seeing Dash so concerned about his future, or Paulina so worried about her skin. Once she left, everyone went back to their normal cheerful selves. You hated to admit it, but the ambience was a lot nicer with everyone happier.

Everything seemed like it was going great for everyone, including you. You had friends, the school was nicer, everything was lovely. Everything but one. Your dad.
You'd never fully shaken off what the guidance counsellor said, about him not caring about you and thinking your performance level wasn't as high as it could be. He left home a lot more than you've ever noticed, and at first you assumed it was the ghosts, but now you worry it's just because he's bored around you. Because of your fear, regardless of if your dad knows it or not, the relationship you once had disintegrated.


Red: You busy Y/N?
You: No, not really whats up
Red: You wanna come over to my house? My mom went grocery shopping... sooo
You: Is this a bribe?
Red: Whaaaat.. bribe for what..
You: You do this everytime you want a tutor in math =_=
Red: Whattt... Nooo. Yes. Okay yes I really need your help again
You: Haha knew it. I'll be right over.

You giggled a little and started packing up your school stuff. Tucker had fine grades, it's not like he really needed the help. You thought he just wanted an excuse to hang out with you outside of school. He was your first friend here. You quietly went down the stairs and found your dad asleep on the couch with a show playing in the background. You put a blanket over him and slid on your shoes. You left the house and were off.

You've gone over to Tuckers house a lot more recently and the thought of ringing a stranger door bell never crossed your mind again after the first time. You'd been there so much you didn't even have to knock, letting yourself in and talking to his parents for awhile. They smiled at you knowing you were here for tutoring again. They were just happy he was taking his studies seriously this year. Regardless, they still didn't allow the door being closed. Every time they screamed up the stairs at him to leave it open, he got super embarrassed and swore up and down his parents were crazy.

"haha, your parents are such a treat Red." You laughed.

"Yea. Yea. Very funny Y/N." He said looking behind you and sitting back down at his desk.

You sat down at the chair beside him and pulled out your books, "You wanna get homework over with fast so we can hang out?"

He smiled and nodded cheerfully. You guys worked on problems together explaining things he didn't really understand or was stuck on. If you got stuck Tucker would help you out a little as well. It was good, perfect study buddies. "We should really get Sam and Danny to come to these study sessions." He smiled

"You think? I doubt either of them would like study sessions. Especially Danny." You stated. Sam liked doing homework on her own, she focused better with no distractions. And Danny... he just refused to do any studying.

"Yea yea I know... but we don't really have anything to do all together. Me, Danny and Sam have one hobby... I guess if you could call it that...?" He said mindlessly. Only his mind came back after, he covered his mouth, quietly cursing under his breath. He'd forgotten you didn't know Danny's secret. You talked about ghosts so much and always hung around them, he'd always forget.

"A hobby?" You asked still looking down at your papers, half focusing.

"Uh- yea. We... uhm. Make friendship bracelets???" He stuttered out.

You paused from your homework, and it slowly set in what he just said. Your giggling slowly turned into laughter. You didn't mean to laugh at their hobby, it was just- so funny imagining them running off to make friendship bracelets. Especially if that was why Danny always ditched you. You whipped the tears from your eyes and looked over at him. He fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"Oh! Oh Red, I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh. I was just, really not expecting that to be the hobby." You apologized patting his back. "I wouldn't... mind joining if you wanted all of us to do a hobby." You said.

He tensed up and got nervous, "uh yea! Yea I'm sure they'd like that."

You smiled, "Great! When is friendship bracelet day for you guys?"

"Uhm- tomorrow...?" He said nervous. Once the words came out of his mouth he slapped himself in the forehead.

"Okay... where do you guys meet up?" You asked.

"UHm. Danny's house?" He said looking away from you.

You paused for a moment, "I'm sorry for laughing Tucker. You don't need to be embarrassed. I'll be at Danny's around 12." You pat him one last time on the back before re-sitting in the chair.

"Yea- I'm not embarrassed." He said under his breath then reached for his PDA and started typing.

You continued to work on your homework until Tucker said his parents and him were going out. He apologised and ushered you outside. That's never happened before... but it didn't really matter, you could finish at home.

You'd see him tomorrow anyways.

Anyways! A little side story. I thought maybe I'd put something in the middle to separate the story better and to have a little quality time with the characters! Hope you enjoyed!
Have a nice day :D

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