Nahh... you're just cool.

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It's not super long but it's Danny Fluff!
Enjoy <3

It had been about a week or so since your small break down. Your bracelet sat there untouched; the blood being whipped off long ago. The day before, you finally finished it; yet, you still hadn't used it. You hadn't even attempted to see if it worked or not. There was the knowledge that once you'd go to Vlad, there'd be no going back. I'm sure he was getting impatient, but that's what he get's for leaving a 14-year-old in charge of something like this.

When you hadn't been working on the bracelet, you'd been studying for the C.A.T.'s. The date quickly approached but you tried to keep yourself on top of your work. Luckily for you, today was going to be somewhat of a refreshing break. You were going to be Tucker's tutor yet again. You took in a deep breath as you approached his door, knocking twice. Just like old times.

Tucker's mom opened the door to see you standing there with a big smile, "Hello Mrs. Foley! I'm here for Tucker?" you spoke gleefully, your hands nervously clutching your PDA.

"Course dear... everyone's upstairs." She said sweetly, opening the door a little more for you to enter. You gave her a smile and a wave before quickly making your way upstairs, the faint sound of music playing through. When you opened the door to his room, you quickly caught sight Tucker writing something nervously on his paper while Danny stood over him. The two of them looking incredibly confused as they both tried to coach each other through something. Sam only sat on the side snickering before she quickly noticed of you.

"Y/N! Sup!" She said as she extended her hand out towards you.

You smiled at her, "Hello Samikins." you retorted as you grabbed her hand. She pulled you down beside her violently and smacked your shoulder. You let out a small giggle as you shielded yourself from Sam. Eventually, she stopped and you made yourself comfortable; pulling a few notebooks from your bag as Danny and Tucker gave you a small welcome as well, their attention still being on the problem in front of them.

Tucker quickly spoke up, "Y/N. Do you have the answer for question 3? I can't figure it out."

You glanced towards the two of them, Tucker and Danny's eyes both expectingly on you, "Would you like me to explain it?"

A relieved look washed over Danny and Tuckers face before Tucker pat the seat beside him. You quickly stood up and loomed over the two of them, your eyes reading over the problem down on their paper. It was question 3 in the first review package. You guessed they hadn't studied at all yet, but there was still a lot of time to work. You let out a sigh, a small smile placed on your lips as you started explaining the problem.

It was simple trigonometry. One of the easiest math topics in your opinion. You took your pencil out and wrote a few formulas down on his paper, explaining where each variable would go and why. You explained the basics that Mr. Lancer went over just a day ago. Although somehow, they seemed to understand how to do it after you'd gone over it again. Sam kept glancing between you and Danny before she rested her head in one of her hands; her other hand holding her PDA as she typed away.

After a little while, they seemed to shoo you off with their new knowledge, the two of them going back to the problem they had issues with before.

You smiled at them before sitting back down with Sam, your arms stretching behind you. Sam turned her attention towards you and leaned into her hands once she finally set down her PDA. She glanced over you once or twice before she let out a small sigh, a small smile tugging at her lips. "What? Something on my face?" You asked Sam as you felt around a little embarrassed.

"Nothing. Nothing... You don't have anything on your face." She explained as she kept her eyes on you.

"Something wrong?" You asked leaning in a little, your voice quieting down a bit encase she didn't want anyone to hear.

"Nope." She placed her hands on your shoulder, shaking you a little, "I'm just... happy for you."

You flashed her a warm smile, "Happy for me? For what?" She didn't say anything back. She only smiled and went back to whatever she was working on. You looked at her a little confused but ignored it. Maybe she misspoke and was too high strung to say something about it. You turned your attention back down to your books and started working on a few problems.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now