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 "Dad, let's just sleep at hotel tonight. Tomorrow morning we will go to our house. It's already late evening and our house was far from here, right? Then let's just sleep at hotel for today. We'll proceed to our house tomorrow." I said. Mum seems to agree with my opinion. She adds, "You're also have bad eye sight when it comes to dark or night. Let's just sleep at hotel,"

"Alright ladies. We'll sleep at hotel for tonight," my dad replied while nodding.

[End of Flashback]

 Hani helped her mother and father carrying other things after she put her luggage in her new room. After a few minutes, all the things were carried inside of the house. Hani's father parked his car outside the house. Hani helped her mother unpacked things and tidied the house. After a long time, they finally done tidying the house. "Mum, I'm going upstairs to change." Hani said. "Okay, darl" her mum replied.

Hani's POV

I went upstairs after talked to mother. I throw my body on the bed. It is so fluffy and smooth. I reached for my phone. I pressed the power button and saw the wallpaper on the screen lock. I'm shocked.

"It's not my phone ! What I'm going to do now ?!" I shouted loudly. My mother barged into my room and asked me "Are you okay ? Why are you shouting ?" she looked at me worriedly. "My phone... I-it's not with me," I said in sad tone. "Then, that phone ?" mum asked while looking at the phone in my hand. "It is someone else's. Maybe the guy that I accidentally bumped at the airport." I said. "Why don't you call your phone and asks your phone back ?" she asked. I stop talking for a while. "Uh, why can't I think about that ? Thanks, mum" I said while making face. Mum left my room while laughing hardly. 'Ugh,why I usually looking stupid in front of my mum ?' I mumbles alone.

I quickly dialled my number and waited for a reply.


"Hello ?!"  I said

"Sorry the number you have dialled not available right now. Please try again later."  said the operator.

"It's useless. Maybe he already throw away my phone," I said slowly. I went down to the living room to find my mum. "Mum." I said. "Yes, honey ? Why are you here ? You want to pick up your phone ?" my mum asked. "I need fresh air. Let's go out this evening," I replied. "Okay." my mum said.

I walked towards the stairs and mum suddenly starts to talk again. "Ah, before I forget. Tomorrow your cousin will come here." My mum continues, "My cousin ?" I asked curiously. "I have a cousin in Korea ? Really, mum ?" I continued asked her unbelievable. "Yes. His Korean name is, Kim Jongin. His true name is Kai." mum said. "Um, since tomorrow your dad and I are going to your new school, you will be staying here with him. Maybe he would bring his friends too," mum said.

I rounded my eyes. "What ?! Are you going to leave me with him and his friends ? Mum, let me follow you. Pleasee !?" I begged her. Then suddenly my dad came in. "Dad, please bring me too. Pleaseee~" I begging him with my aegyo voice. "You can't. Your mother and I already told him to come tomorrow. You have to stay. We won't be too long. We promise," dad said while looking my eyes. "Hmm, arrasso" I said. "You already used some korean words ah ? That's good," my dad praised me while smiling.

Before I went to Korea, I already learned some Korean words that commonly used by them. I learned with my best friend, Maya who is a kpopper .She always told me about her favorite group and bias.

I just listened to her because if I don't she will pull her face. Haha, just remembering that makes me miss her.'Maybe I should message her.' I think.

I took out my laptop and opened Google Chrome. I clicked at Facebook. 'Seems like she's online'
I clicked Maya's name and sends messages toher.

'Hey, girl. What are you doing ?'

A few seconds later..

'Yahh,how could you not replying my texts or picking up my calls. Did you throw your phone away ? Ugh, let's Skype. I want to hear your voice.' she replies

I quickly open my Skype and when I wanted to click the call button, she already called me.I guess she missed me so much. We talked about 3 hours when suddenly mum told me that she's ready to go out. I forgot that I said that I want to take some fresh air.

"Maya, I will call you later. Bye" I said to Maya before closing my laptop. I took my coat and bag and rushed down. "I'm ready !" I said cheerfully. Then we make our way to car together.

Kyungsoo's POV

"Finally, finished practice. I'm really tired and don't bother me. I want to sleep," I said to the members. They only nodded. I went to my room and rested my body on the bed. It's comfortable. I checked my phone. Eh, no. Her phone. I saw 55 missed calls and 32 text messages. Wow, so many. I get up and took a pillow and put it behind my back for back up. I take a look at the text messages. 'From : Kyungsoo's Girlfriend.' "What ?! My girlfriend ? I don't even have one. Let's see who is it." I mumbles to myself. I open the messages.

'Yah, you already arrived there ?'

'Why aren't you replies my messages ? (sad emoji)'

'Heyy, did you saw EXO ? They are at the airport right now !!'

'Please take a photo of Kyungsoo for me pleasee ?'

'Yahh !'

"She is cute." I said. I continues scrolling the messages. Then, I opened the missed calls. I saw my number. "How dare she uses my credits ?!" I mumbles alone in the room. I clicked call at that number and waiting her to pick it up.


"Yeoboseyo ?" I said

"N-nae ?" she answered.



Enjoy reading :)

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