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Third Person's POV

Kidnapped the girl, succeed. I put the girl on the guest's seat. I called my boss and told her about it. "Good, now go to the place I've told you yesterday. Please go there ASAP ! I can't wait to see her begging for her life." she said and laughed loudly. She cut off the conversation. I drove there quickly.

I heard the girl screaming behind the tape that I pasted on her mouth. 'Oh, already woke up. The 'medicine' that I gave didn't strong enough.' I muttered in my heart. She kicked the driver seat and make me lose my focus on the road. I stopped my car at the roadside. I turned my body to the back seat. She stopped screaming and kicking my seat. Her eyes were red as hell. I smirked and focused back to my driving.

Hani's POV

I screamed my lungs out with a tape on my mouth. I kicked the driver seat as hard as I could. He seems to lose his control on the driving. I don't care if I'm injured or what. All I wanted was to release myself from this man. He pulled the brake. I was shocked. He turned his back to me. My voice aren't coming out. My legs and body also froze. He smirked and focused back to his driving.

I cried all time long until the car stopped at a creepy places. Somewhat like in the horror movies. In silent place with many bushes and looks like a jungle. Heh. The man opened the door and took me outside. He pushed me as we were walking inside the building. 'Appa, omma please find your daughter right now !' I muttered. We then entered a gloomy like room. There's no sunshine, wait. It's already night. I'm hungry. I wanna eat. Omma ! Bring me food.

"Sit there and wait until I come back," said the guy. I didn't respond to him. He left the room. I heard that he locked the door. "Pftt, it's not like I will get out from this room with this condition." I mumbled. My hands and legs were tied. The tape on my mouth already been taken off. A few minutes later, he come back. He bring a plastic with two polystyrene bowl. Is it food ? Really ? Gimme that gimme that food ! I need that than you need it.

He untied my hand and put the plastic on my lap. "Eat that quickly." He said and left the room. Again. "Oh yeah, food." I said slowly. I opened the container. Damn it's my favorite food. Jjangmyeon ! I'm in heaven am I ? In some minutes, I managed to finished both of the bowl. I drank a bottle of mineral water after that.

The guy then came back. He look shocked. "Did you finished the both of them in couple of minutes ? Really ?" He asked in 'what the hell' look. I just nodded. Did you never met with girl eating two bowls of jjangmyeon in couple of minutes ? Yah, it's my favorite food. How could I resisted it. "Oh, okay. Now follow me. My boss wanted to see you," he said while tying my hands back.

Meanwhile at Hani's house...

Kai's POV

I called my members and manager hyung. I told them about Hani was missing since this evening. They quickly went to Hani's house with my guide. My uncle and aunt were very worried about the only one child in their family. "I'm sorry, uncle, aunty. If I have take care of her, this things won't happen." I said in my sad tone. "It's okay, young man. What already happened, doesn't need to bring it on. Now, we have to find Hani. I already contacted the police station. They will help us." said uncle.

"Yah, Kai. Don't you really know she was kidnapped by who ?" Chanyeol asked. "Yeah, I really don't know because she was missing suddenly." I said. "Why don't you check the van's black box ? Maybe we could found something there." he suggest. "Yea. Why I'm not thinking about this," I said while rubbing my hair. "Okay. So, we will check up the black box next morning and see what we'll get." said manager hyung. "Okay, then." I said. "If you guys wanted to sleep here, I don't mind." said uncle. "Yea, why not right. It's near to midnight. I guess, I'm staying" I said. "Me too," said Chanyeol. "Me three" said Xiumin and Chen. Other members just nodded.

"Seems everybody staying. So, I wanted to give bedrooms to you guys." Said uncle. "Um, I wanted to stay alone in a room. If you don't mind," said Kyungsoo. "Yes, of course. I was about to giving Hani's room to you. Use it well, or she will kill you," said Mrs. Ahn. "Nae," he replied. Then we got our rooms. Kyungsoo in Hani's. Me, Chanyeol, Baek and Suho in one room. Chen, Xiumin and Tao in one room. Lay already left because he have some works to do at China. Manager hyung drove him to the airport and went to our dorm to pick up some shirts for us. He will be staying in a room with Chen, Xiumin and Tao.

Kyungsoo's POV

I turned the doorknob of Hani's room. I went in and closed the door. Her room was tidy and aromatic. I went to her bed, I could smell her scent. I put my phone on the side of the bed and fell into the deep sleep.

I woke up at 2:30 a.m. I tried to close my eyes and go back to my sleep, but my eyes just don't want to close. I get up from the bed. I took a look at Hani's study table. I saw a book, it looks like a diary. I grabbed the book and read it. I opened the first page of book, yes. It is a diary.

'Hello ! I just arrived at Korea this morning. 9:25 a.m. Guess what ? I think I bumped into an idol named Do Kyungsoo from EXO. My phone and his phone were exchanged to each other.

I opened his phone, and I saw a lot of selca in his gallery. He doesn't even have a SNS account or any social app in his phone. But have a lot of selca ? Uhh, maybe it is just his hobby. Why should I think about it, right.

He looks cute in his selca. I searched about him at google. He was also an actor. Then, I took a look on his facts. He loves to cook for the member.' I smiled happily.

I opened the next page. ' The next day, I check out to his movie named 'Cart'. He also have an OST in this movie. I download the movie and started watching. It was so great ! I really like how he acted. Then, I opened the drama that he in. It's Okay, It's Love. I only watched his cut since I don't really have time to watch all of the episodes. Look like I already biased him. Really ?' I turned to the next page.'Today, my samchun wanted to come to my house. I wake up and don't hear anything from my parents. I guess they already went to school. I took my bath and eat some breakfast.

He already arrived when I lazily sat on a coach. I turned the doorknob and they went in. There's only three people. I thought they will come in 4 or something. I give them some drinks and snacks. Kai, my samchun, then suggested about going to their dorm. Since his manager allows, I have to follow him.

We then arrived there. Their dorm was kinda neat and messy. Kai, Baekhyun and Sehun asked me to join their movie time. I joined them. It was a horror movie. But, my eyes suddenly closed and I fell into sleep. Kai waking me up suddenly. I don't really realized that I still at their dorm. But after I saw the other members than the three. I quickly wake up and went out from the dorm.

Appa already waiting me at the main door. I went out. I saw a guy. A guy that looked like Kyungsoo. I went into the car and went home. And writing this.'

I was about to turned to the next page when I heard someone knocking the door. I immediately put back the diary at it's place and opened the door. "Already awake ?" asked Mr. Ahn. "Em, yeah. I can't sleep." I said. "Oh, okay. I just wanted to check you up. The other members and manager fall asleep easily right." he said and left me hanging at the door. I closed the door and slammed my body on Hani's bed. I closed my eyes. Somehow, I managed to fall into my deep sleep.

Choi Min Hee's POV

I went into a room in the building. I saw the girl, that I hated most in the world. Ahn Hani, who was close with my oppas, BTS. She was like a shit that dirtying my oppas' name. "Annyeong, jagi." I started the conversation. "Who's your jagi ?!" she replied. "Calm down,babe. I will go easy on you." I said. She just look at me. "Okay, I will just straight to the point. There is some reason why I kidnapped you." I continued. "Stop blabbering and just get to the point !" she said. I smirked. "Reason number 1, I hate you. Number 2, you disturb my oppas, BTS. Number 3, you're a shit." I said and laugh hardly. " she tried to kick me but she can't. "Aigoo, you're so funny." I laughed. "LET.ME.GO," she said. "I will, but in one condition. Don't hang or talk or what with my oppas." I said. "Arrasso !" she said. Then, someone covered her mouth with a handkerchief. He is the guy who kidnapped her. I left the place and quickly went home.



Enjoy reading :)

DREAMS // EXO D.O || editedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora