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Hani's POV

I went to EXO dorm because omma told me to give them some bibimbap and rice cakes. I went there without telling them that I wanted to go there. When I was about to ring the bell, I heard that Chen and Kai were talking about something.

"Aigoo, I'm really happy for Kyungsoo," - Chen

"Nado ! I don't expect that Kyungsoo will get back with her," - Kai

"Hmm, what's her name ? Min Ho ? Min Hui ?" - Chen

"It's Choi Min Hee,"

I knew the voice. The voice that I missed. It's been weeks we didn't contacted. I truly missed him. But, what they meant by get back ? What's happening between Kyungsoo and Min Hee ?

"Ah, Kyungsoo. Yah ! Why don't you tell me sooner that she is your ex - girlfriend ? But, now she is your girlfriend," - Chen.

Ex - girlfriend ? Girlfriend ? Then... Kyungsoo and Min Hee knew each other ? And, love each other too ? Again, my heart broke into pieces. I left the rice cakes container in front of their dorm's door. I ran as fast as I could to house. I need Maya. I really need her. She understands me.


"Nae, Hani. What's with that voice ?" Maya asked.

"Palli ! Come to my house. I really need you right now," I said soft.

She ended the conversation. After some minutes, she arrived and opened my door recklessly. She slammed the door, but not too loud, and landed on my bed. "Yah, what happened ?" she asked. "You know that I've crushed someone ?" I asked her. "Whatt ?! You didn't even tell me," she pouted. "I'm telling you right now !" I shouted.

She nodded and told me to continue the story. "He is...Kyungsoo," I sighed. She nodded again. "These days, I was really happy when he was around me. But then, he got hurt because of me. Remember when Kai brought us to the hospital ? That's because of me. And the past weeks, when you're attending the Math competition, Min Hee opened a voice record saying that Kyungsoo wants her to be his date. My heart was breaking that time. I couldn't believe that he is talking in that voice record. I thought, he likes me. He gave me hopes," I cried.

Maya comforted me. Then I continued, "Just now, I went to their dorm. Omma asked me to give them some bibimbap and rice cakes. So, I went there," I stopped. Trying to hold my tears. "I heard that Min Hee was Kyungsoo's ex-girlfriend and now they're get back," I cried. "Gwaenchana. Everything happens for a reason, okay ? Be strong," Maya gave me some encouragement. "Um, I have to leave now. My omma asked me to accompany her to the market. Sorry. Do Line me if there's anything !" she said. I nodded and followed her with my eyes.

I felt like a big, heavy rock just fall down from my shoulders. I could tell that Maya know how to calm me. She understands me inside and out. I'm happy to have a good friend like her, even though sometimes she goes crazy.

Maybe I should let him go. Let him live his life with his lover. I'm nothing to stop their relationship. If that makes him happy, then I accepted it. I hope you're happy, dear crush. It's time to move on. Annyeong, I Love You.

5 months later...


I called Min Hee several times, but she never picks it up. I decided to search her by an app that I downloaded the first week we were together. 'What she's doing there,' I thought. I quickly drove to the place. It's a beach. A beautiful beach. I saw a lady and a topless man sitting on the white sand while laughing.

I could tell that the lady was Min Hee from the back. I know it's her. I make my way to them. "Yah," I said softly. "Um, Kyungsoo." Min Hee said trembled. "Who's he ?" I asked. "H-he is my-" she got cut off. "I am her boyfriend. Any problem ?" the man said. I am shocked. "I need explanation," I said. Min Hee sighed. "Arraso ! He is my real boyfriend. I just wanted to play you. Don't you ever think ? I wanted to make that bitch, hurt. You know who I meant right ? So, goodbye dear unreal boyfriend. You're no good to me," she said and left with her boyfriend.

I followed them with my eyes till they lost from my sight. I felt pain. The same pain that she gave me before. I'm stupid. Stupid for trusting her. Stupid for loving her. I let out a sigh. I drove back to the dorm.

"Hyung, why so early ? Did you find her ?" Sehun asked. "Yes. I found her with another guy," I said. They all shocked. I went into my room and rested my body on the bed. I took out my phone and scrolled my contact numbers. 'Ahn Hani.' "I wanted to make that bitch, hurt. You know who I meant right?" I knew that I didn't contacted her for months. She also didn't contacted me or EXO. I felt guilty. We were so close before, but now we're like strangers.



Enjoy reading :) 

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