My Fault

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"ALL I SAID WAS APOLOGIZE STOP YELLING!" "WELL SHIT THEN IM FUCKING SORRY!" Tears stain her beautiful face, her hands clutched the pillow in her hands.

Staring at me shaking her head, "Sorry? Sorry, fuck you this time. I hate you! You don't love me, do you?" "Take that back Kassidy. Right fucking now!"

Standing up she throws a framed picture of us at me, ducking, it shatters as it hits the wall. She starts snapping tapes of music I made for her.

Grabbing clothes and heavy things she chucks them harder and harder at me. "FUCK YOU, I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE." I grab her and don't let her go as she punches my chest.

"Get Eddie....GET OUT." I walk out of our bedroom as she throws more stuff at the door. Sitting on our couch, my head rests in my hands, closing my eyes I fall asleep in the same position.

Waking up I'm laid back on the couch, theres a blanket on me along with Kassidy holding my hand. Her eyes puffy, her lip split from chewing on it too much, her hold on me tight. "I'm really sorry Kass, it's my fault and I'm going to be better for us both okay?" She nods, "Maybe it was both our fault" as she kisses me. Her lips felt cold and soft. "I do love you and I will never not love you."


Next morning I'm in our bed, he's gone and everything is cleaned. I lay back down and look at the plain white wall. Laying there and I feel guilt washing over me. I yelled at him, I tried to hurt him because I was jealous.

Closing my eyes as tears roll down my nose and cheeks. I feel him slide behind me in bed. "I don't deserve you Eddie." "That's right, you deserve better." He pulls my hair aside, kisses my cheek and wipes my tears. "Get some rest you need it." Holding me against his chest, I melt into his arms.

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