𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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Ever since Rain had been summoned, Bellamira had attempted a friendship with the water ghoul which took forever to accomplish. Both were painfully awkward in social settings and kept to themselves ninety percent of the time. That's what made their friendship work most of the time even when Mira was babbling on about mundane human things.  Rain felt fortunate to have a friend who was so similar to him considering the other ghouls were the complete opposite of him. 

Bellamira had been pacing in front of the rehearsal doors waiting for Rain after finishing her chores. There was also a group of new siblings that had to be shown the abbey in great detail that morning. Sister Imperator had given her specific tasks that differed from the other sisters after being in the abbey for so long; since birth like the Papa's before Cardinal. 

"You're gonna have holes in your soles like Terzo pacing like that." Rain raised an eyebrow at his human friend. Bellamira narrowed her eyes while crossing her arms, tapping a foot against the stone tile. Terzo was kind of a sore topic around the entire clergy but especially to her. They'd practically been raised together, well minus several years, and it was still hard processing his passing. 

"Oh shut it, rehearsals ran later than usual huh? Dew set the stage on fire again?" Bellamira and Ran had begun walking down the corridor, passing a few sisters along the way side eyeing the two. Most siblings were either fearful of the ghouls or were interested in bedding one of them for the experience. According to many siblings, the ghouls were passionate lovers and extremely dominant over their partners. It took a while for Mira to stop dreaming about what Swiss was like in bed after that. 

"Surprisingly no, Swiss was actually late this time." Rain stated while thinking back to the conversation all of them had. His excuse being that a very flustered sister held him back. This was definitely not a good enough reason to the Imperator for running behind and assured them they'd be practicing longer than usual. 

"Hm I could've sworn-" Bellamira pondered back to when he interrupted her that morning. It was definitely before rehearsals unless? Sister Imperator had already given her a stern talking to after causing Rain to be late from a serious debate over who was better at Mario Kart. 

"I figured the words sister and flustered in one sentence meant it was you. So did you actually talk to him this time or just stare at him starry eyed?" Rain chuckled. His little human friend was clueless when it came to his brother and the obvious fact he was equally interested with her. But without him being there, Mira was like a fish out of water. Swiss mentioned it being really cute once, Rain simply face palmed at how oblivious she was. 

"Okay so he completely caught me off guard this time, Rainy!" Mira whined. This caused the water ghoul to stop in his tracks. There had been multiple times that she had made a fool out of herself in front of his brother. Especially that 'disaster' at the album release celebration last year which would've been fine if Mira hadn't run away from Swiss every time after that. 

Apparently if you let Bellamira drink nearly a whole bottle of wine, her confidence level was through the roof. Rain was shocked when Dew gestured to Mira grinding on Swiss on the dance floor. If it wasn't for the alcohol, Mira definitely wouldn't have planted a kiss right on his brothers lips that night. But unfortunately she didn't remember a thing, was still terrified of Swiss, and he figured she regretted it. Luckily Rain was able to convince him that she was just really nervous around him but liked him more than she admitted. Hopefully Mira would never find out that he told Swiss but it was better than him equally avoiding her after that. 

"Don't tell me you face planted into another pillar again?" Rain groaned. This was something that happened commonly which should've came as surprise considering Mira knew this abbey inside and out. Mira smacked him lightly on the arm for bringing up the incident again, the knot on her head after that was horrendous. Cardi had teased her for weeks about it, sill did sometimes. 

"I may have been talking to the walls but it's Cardi's fault this time!" Mira grumbled. If it wasn't for his terrible parenting job then this wouldn't be an issue. Rain had chuckled at the image being painted in his mind. 

"It's not funny, Rainy! This is why he's never going to like me back, why can't I just be like the other sisters?" She had felt crushed over the interaction. It was easy for all the other siblings to get who they wanted in the clergy but it was extremely difficult for her. Plus leave it to her to be head over heels over a ghoul who was overly confident and was able to have any sister under him in seconds.

"Mira, you don't have to be like the other siblings for Swiss to like you. You just have to stop running away from him and actually talk to him." Rain ran his hand up and down on her back in an attempt to comfort her. If Mira could just spend time with him then maybe she could realize that Swiss was very interested in knowing her. Rain knew his brother quite well from being so observant since his summoning. Ever since that party, Swiss purposely tried bumping into her and would tease her hoping that something would come from it. 

"He's just so...ugh!" Mira stomped a foot in frustration. Everything about him flustered the hell out of her especially with this new uniform. His cute smile mixed with that head tilt he did, the goggles blocking his gorgeous eyes. Rain shook her out of the day dream Mira was in when he noticed the goofy smile growing on her face. Honestly it was kind of sweet how much his human friend liked Swiss, he was actually hopeful that something would happen between them. 

"How about I start coaching you in basic conversation?" Rain suggested while tugging the girl alongside him. He may have been a rather quiet ghoul but wasn't lacking in expertise with either seducing someone or trying to court someone. Granted Mira wasn't the best in social skills, Rain knew she was capable of it and it wouldn't take much for things to move along with his brother with practice. Just it would take a lot of patience and maybe a conversation with Swiss about toning down on his teasing. 

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