𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Bellamira wasn't used to someone being so concerned for her wellbeing except Rain or Cardi

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Bellamira wasn't used to someone being so concerned for her wellbeing except Rain or Cardi. But they usually didn't baby her as much as Swiss was doing at the moment. He had gently placed her at the edge of the bed like a porcelain doll before rushing to the bathroom to find bandaids. Frankly, the puncture wounds weren't even that bad. They were super minor with some blood pooled over and it'd most likely bruise but Bellamira wasn't even that concerned. You kind of had to get used to that type of thing when around ghouls. It wasn't exactly in their nature to be sweet or kind so these things happened; accidents just occur no big deal. However to Swiss it was nearly a catastrophe no matter how many times she tried calming him down. 

"All I have are these stupid cartoon ones Dew picked out, is that okay sweetheart?" Swiss shouted from the bathroom making Mira jump in surprise. Honestly Dew choosing some ridiculously printed bandaids didn't shock her one bit.

"It's okay but I really don't think it's that bad." Mira shrugged while toying with a fray strand on her dress. Swiss made a tsk noise while coming back into the room as well as making sure the door was locked thanks to the last fiasco. His attention focusing on Bellamira who was innocently sitting at the end of his bed and he could've melted right there. There was just something so pure and delightful about having her stay in his room waiting for him. Swiss pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind and knelt in front of her before gently grabbing her arm. 

"It's going to bruise princess." Swiss sighed unwrapping one of the bandaids and covered the mark on her skin. Bellamira knew Rain hadn't meant to actually hurt her, he never had during their entire friendship. His reaction however to Swiss was highly confusing considering he had pushed the two of them together since the start. 

"You're being so worried for nothing." Mira laughed as Swiss placed a kiss on the bandaid and proceeding to rest his hands on her thighs. Her focus dropping to her lap before looking back at his eyes as best as she could through his googles. 

"Do you not like that I take care of you, princess?" Swiss teased while drawing circles on her bare skin, slowly inching just underneath the end of the dress. Bellamira felt her heart starting to beat faster and the warmth on her cheeks growing hotter. 

"N-no I do, a lot." Mira nervously glanced around the room trying to not pay attention to the feeling of his fingertips dancing along her bare skin. Swiss could feel the heat building back up in his body while making his thoughts begin to race. Frankly, he really wanted to just pounce on her right now but knew that would've scared Bellamira to death. She wasn't used to his heats at all and even some of the other sisters didn't even want to deal with him. Not that he had planned to spend this heat with one of them considering Mira was practically all he thought about. Bellamira took a deep breath once feeling Swiss' motions stop and glanced back at him. 

"Did I say something wrong? I'm s-sorry, I can leave?" Bellamira cursed herself for ruining it completely already thanks to her nerves. Swiss blinked a few times trying to process what his little mate was implying and shook his head frantically. His hands gently holding the sides of her face and kissing the tip of her nose. 

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