𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Rain was incredibly antsy the entire night waiting for the morning to come as quick as possible. He had tried taking multiple strolls around the lake to calm down but that hadn't helped. Aether had also tried his best to comfort him but his worries weren't disappearing. Rain had even attempted to sneak close to Swiss' door in favor of hearing any movement but it was silent. He knew Bellamira was hiding there considering their lingering scents. 

It was nearing nine in the morning now, Rain was bundled up in a blanket on the couch with his tail flickering back and forth in anticipation. Cirrus had run off with Cumulus for a coffee run like usual whereas Mountain left for the garden to water the plants. Dew would usually be out cold until rehearsals or till one of them woke him up to mess around with shit. Aether would most likely stay coop in his room for a bit to relax before dealing with the fire ghoul's mess. Which left Rain to ponder with his thoughts that morning. 

Bellamira however was slowly waking up while cuddled up to Swiss whose arms were tightly wrapped around her. She sleepily rubbed at both eyes muttering shit when realizing she hadn't washed off her makeup the previous night. But that should've been the last thing on her mind when everything that happened last night dawned on her. Her neck was most definitely still swore from Swiss' mark especially when moved a certain way causing a whimper to pass her lips. 

"What's wrong, princess?" Swiss yawned before purring into her neck until she yelped. He slightly jumped back to see the redness still surrounding the bite and cooed. Bellamira hadn't fully realized how sore it would be afterwards especially after Swiss had sucked down so hard last night on it. 

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Do you need me to get you something?" Swiss kissed her cheek and tip of her nose before pulling away. Bellamira cuddled closer into his chest before closing her eyes again to savor the moment. 

"I'm sure I'll be okay, I do need to get up and get ready before Sister Imperator throws a fit." Bellamira groaned. She had been skipping out on chores more and more since spending more time with Swiss. Which wasn't a fair enough excuse to the Imperator who was a stickler for rules sometimes. Not that she often times followed them but it was expected that the clergy did their roles and did them well. 

"Do you have to leave, princess? I could just take care of you all day, wouldn't you like that?" Swiss teased, his heat already starting to create a fog in his brain looking at his mate cuddled up to him. She looked like a piece of artwork with his mark and bites scattered across her body after Bellamira had gotten comfortable. 

"Sister Imperator would kill me if I tried." Bellamira knew better than to piss off the women too bad. After all, Mira had spent her entire life being raised by the Imperator and knew what ticked the women off more than most. 

"Princess, I hope you realize how far I would go to protect you. Nothing is ever going to happen to you ever again." Bellamira leaned into the hand holding onto her cheek and smiled. It could've brought tears into her eyes but the happiness outweighed every possible emotion in that moment. She knew that Terzo had loved her in his own way and even Rainy who sure got annoyed with her but still cared deeply. Whereas with Swiss, it was entirely different and the feeling of being so cared for in such a way was incredible. 

"I-I love you, Swiss." Bellamira whispered. Her heart racing incredibly fast even though both of them had admitted their feelings to each other. However Mira was slightly worried that it had just been the fog of Swiss' heat affecting him so much. 

"I love you eternally, princess." Swiss leaned down to kiss her softly before the heat could have any effect on him. Bellamira could hardly believe for a second that this was real. She would've figured any moment she'd wake back up in her dorm and get ready for another work heavy day in the abbey. However the sting on her shoulder and Swiss' lips on hers told her it was very very real and it wasn't going to change any time soon. 

Bellamira was in desperate need for a warm shower and a hot coffee to wake up but a water bottle would do until then

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Bellamira was in desperate need for a warm shower and a hot coffee to wake up but a water bottle would do until then. Dragging her half asleep body into the living space, Swiss followed closely behind with a hand on her hip. Dew was groggily inching out of his room before noticing the subtle wobble of Mira and red bite on her shoulder. He immediately perked up with a smirk and tail flickering excitedly behind him before pouncing on Swiss. 

"So did you guys fuck finally?" Dew teased. Rain also immediately perked up once seeing Bellamira walking towards the couch with a smile on her face, completely in bliss. His attention falling to the ridiculous cartoon bandaid covering up his mistake and tail lowering to match his mood. 

"Are you ever not so damn nosey gremlin?" Swiss hissed. Dew stomped in his direction before Swiss could swiftly turn around the couch's corner and sit down next to Mira. His arm wrapping around her waist and tucking her into his side with his head falling into her shoulder. 

"G-good morning Rainy! Did you sneak off from the party?" Bellamira smiled at the ghoul whose ears perked up hearing her cheerful tone. Rain was certainly waiting for some sign that showed some anger towards him but Mira was just waiting patiently for him to reply. 

"I didn't stay after-" Rain stopped himself once seeing Swiss glare at him. His anger towards Rain obviously not completely gone whereas Mira was acting as if nothing happened. 

"If you think I'm mad at you Rainy, I'm not. You can calm down?" Mira sighed. It wasn't fair that Rain was beating himself up for something so minuscule. There were far bigger things that happened to her that was way worse than a minor scratch. Rain tried to gauge her reaction as his shoulders slumped in relief waiting for her to say something nasty about the situation. But per usual, Mira seemed calm like most times around him. 

"I didn't mean to do that, I was a little overwhelmed at what was happening." Rain grimaced. He shouldn't have acted quite like that. After all, Bellamira was obviously his mate and he'd be sure not to hurt her in any way. Rain had felt ridiculous for acting out but in his defense, he had been protecting her for so long that it felt nature to him to do. 

"Stop worrying, Rainy. I'm perfectly fine." Mira would've went to comfort him if it wasn't for Swiss wrapped up in her like she would poof away any minute. Not that she was complaining by any means as Mira snuggled closer to him as Dew began to rage already that morning about Satan knows what. It felt like things were really falling into place finally...

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