𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒕 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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Rain had been hiding in the library with another novel when Bellamira found him snuggled up next to the window

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Rain had been hiding in the library with another novel when Bellamira found him snuggled up next to the window. Most of the clergy avoided the place like the plague and instead would be indulging in sin. However Bellamira and Rain often found the library a sanctuary away from the chaos. After that horrendous tour with that specific sister, Bellamira was more than thrilled to be surrounded in the scent of old books and seeking comfort in Rain. 

He hadn't seen his anxious human friend until feeling someone plop down next to him with a loud sigh. His head titled to the side looking at whoever it was in disbelief for interrupting his quiet time. But instead saw Bellamira with arms crossed and that look in her face that Rain knew way too well. 

"If you're trying to get out of game night, no." Rain shook his head, flipping the page in his novel. Bellamira dramatically gasped clutching at her chest in shock. 

"Now where would you get that wild idea?" Bellamira scoffed. Sometimes she cursed at how Rain could easily read her sometimes. Nothing ever got passed the water ghoul no matter the technique that she tried; trust me, she tried everything

"Mira, I've known you for how long now? You're so predictable." Rain chuckled. Most times, he would've just gone along with skipping out but Swiss was adamant that Bellamira would be there. 

"I'm not predictable." Bellamira grumbled. He wasn't wrong but letting Rain win would mean hearing about it for weeks and no way would she have to put up with that again. 

"So you're totally fine with spending all night with Swiss at game night tonight?" Rain leaned closer to Bellamira who was slowly trying to hide in her sweater. She had already changed out of her habit into something cozier for the night. 

The sweater was oversized so it extended past her hands, shorts that probably should've covered more paired with some black knee highs to go with her vans. Something that Bellamira wore often but if they were going to game night, the amount of skin she was showing from the waist down probably wasn't smart. Swiss sometimes got a little handsy, unless you showed him you were uncomfortable, and Bellamira was already blushing at the thought. 

"I just don't know, Rainy. There was a new sister today who was definitely Swiss' type and-" Bellamira rambled until the ghoul stopped her. 

"Swiss wants to spend time with you, Mira. Don't ruin your chance because some new sister looked like his type before he started chasing after you." Rain explained. Honestly it would've been a real damper on his day if she decided to continue hiding from Swiss after his talk with Papa and his plan. Plus Swiss had been pretty ecstatic for some progress with Bellamira after just catching glimpses of her since the party. 

"And if I make a fool out of myself tonight?" Bellamira sighed. She couldn't believe that Swiss was honestly giving her the time of day lately. He was a performance ghoul who easily could have anyone in the clergy and yet he was dealing with her dumbass. 

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