star: a deal of sorts

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Satine wasn't the type of girl to work in customer service. If that was the case, then she would have been behind the bar at Dynaco's a long time ago. The thing about women like Satine is that nothing is ever good enough for them. No matter how badly she wanted to be satisfied with what she already had, she almost always craved more.

Sitting in Mingyu's sweater at the breakfast bar with one knee up to her chin, she flicked through a newspaper looking for a job. "Help wanted, Gary's Garage..." she recited, turning her nose up at the idea. Satine had learnt to do a lot of things in her life, but her least favourite was anything car related. "Busboy/girl wanted, Coco's Diner."

Resting her forehead against her leg, she growled out of frustration.

"What's up?" Mingyu walked in, pulling her ponytail to the side to reveal her neck. "You seem tense?" As he began to massage her shoulders, Satine let out a long-drawn-out moan.

"Job hunting in Brooklyn sucks."

Mingyu leaned against the table looking over the jobs she had already scribbled out. She was right, most of the vacancies did suck, only because they were all shitty paying and would probably take advantage of a beautiful girl like Satine.

Which is why he didn't want her to get a job.

"What about ones further into the city?" She suggested, watching his lips purse as he pondered the idea.

He didn't exactly want her travelling that far, since coming home to her naked and napping on his couch was his favourite part of the day, but she wasn't going to be satisfied until she was making money of her own. "I don't know, it's quite a journey."

Agreeing, she sighed. "Nowhere decent is going to accept me without a degree either... I want to work my way up in a big corporation until I run the damn thing." Satine was nothing without her ambition.

"I suppose you'll have to invest in some business wear too. Gross."

"Yeah, gross," she confirmed.

"Can't walk into an interview tripping over in your docs, it doesn't exactly give the best impression. Then again, you plus heels equal bad idea." He was only teasing her, but she was inherently clumsy.

Mingyu loved the way she dressed, he said it from the beginning and somehow her fashion got better and better after every compliment. She was the only girl he had met that was able to look so sultry and feminine in ripped clothes and big fuck-off bovver boots.

Drooling slightly as he watched her bite down on the end of her pen, scanning the page for something remotely suitable, Mingyu was reminded for the millionth time why he was so enamoured. "You look extra beautiful when you're pensive, did you know that?" he asked in a dreamy sMingyu.

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