Little Lies

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Alison tapped her foot impatiently as she waited at the bus stop. Where was he? His pals had shown up and he was nowhere to be seen. They glanced at her occasionally smirking and whispering. She rolled her eyes. The bus came and she sighed. He wasn't here. She stepped on and heard the pounding rush of feet and heavy breathing behind her. Liam. He crushed his cigarette under his foot and drew in deep breaths as he doubled over with his hands on his knees.

Alison shook her head and quirked her brow.

"You know most people choose to do one or the other. Smoke. Or run."

Liam drew her a look of disdain at her sarcastic tone.

"I ain't most people." He said breathlessly as they stepped on the bus and an idea came to Alison.

"Yeah I got that from the way the girls reacted yesterday. I said your name and they left me alone. So...thanks."

Liam looked slightly taken aback at her thankyou but nodded.

"Two all days please."

Alison popped her change in the slot and handed Liam a ticket.

Liam frowned as he hesitantly took her ticket.

"There. I don't owe you one anymore. End of transaction."

Liam stared at her intensely. He looked at the blazing fire behind her eyes. She really despised him. And that for some reason didn't make him feel good. His stomach flipped queasily.

"That's not how this works. You think they'll leave you alone forever with just my name? They'll want proof."

Alison frowned. He was right. They'd start to question her and they'd prove she was lying and life would be hell again.


Liam nodded as they stood in the aisle together being pressed fairly close to each other by commuters and Barlow pupils. His friends were staring over with wide eyes.

"Proof that I'm your boyfriend and that you weren't talking shite."

Alison nodded.

"So how do we do that?"

Liam smiled devilishly at the use of 'we'.

"It'll cost you more than a bus fare."

Alison sighed and stared at him defiantly.

"What do you want Liam?"

Liam swallowed and suddenly felt very self conscious. He needed something from her he knew she could give him but it was shameful.

He looked around them and lowered his voice.

"I want to get some GCSE's." He mumbled.

Liam felt his face flush shamefully. She'd laugh. Any minute now.

Her frown only deepened as she looked at his unexpectedly soft, shy expression.

"What?" She asked.

Liam sighed and closed his eyes.

"Don't make me say it again. It's for me mam alright. I don't care about them but she wants me to get them. If you tell anybody I swear-"

Alison nodded slowly.

"I won't tell. Alright. I'll do it if you help me. That's a fair deal."

Liam nodded eagerly.

"Well they should see me with you right? That'd prove it."

Alison sighed with relief.


Liam nodded.

"Alright I'll come get you today. At your school."

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