Be My Lover

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A sexy chapter update with minimal plot that comes next time.

Liam sighed as he felt the cool sheets next to him. Alison was gone. He prepared himself to behave with her as he had yesterday before last night had happened. Repressing every urge to kiss or touch her. He numbly showered and pulled his clothes on, trying to forget the images burned into his head of how she felt in his arms. It was the last few days of the tour. He didn't even know if he could manage that.

He stepped onto the bus to find Noel sleeping with sunglasses on sprawled across the seats, he hadn't even made it to his bunk. Lucky bastard must have copped off with some lass last night with no strings. Would he have preferred to do that than risk it all on Alison last night? In all honesty, no. Even if it made everything a lot harder. Liam didbt regret a thing.
Alison was fiddling about with her camera and smiled at him as he got on board. Liam's heart sank at how just the mere act of smiling at him made his heart race. Maggie stumbled on from behind him nursing a black coffee. They all needed a rest. Liam felt it best to isolate himself and not address her or the situation, so he sidled along to the furthest away bunk on the bus and lay in there, drawing the curtains around him.

Alison frowned as she watched him walk past wordlessly. What the fuck was that about?

"He won't chase you. He won't do that. You'll need to go to him. He thinks it were a one time thing. He's letting you make the next move." Mumbled Noel.

Alison turned to him sharply.

"Why are you both like this? It's exhausting."

Noel chuckled.

"I don't know. We don't have a lot in common, but what we do have in common is that we are both terrible in relationships. I did warn you."

Alison smiled sadly and rubbed his shin that was closest to her.

"I don't think you're terrible at relationships. I think you're just both scared of being hurt or abandoned. It's safer to keep your distance than get involved."

Noel sighed.

"Yeah... the old fella saw to that."

Alison patted his shin again.

"You're not damaged, you know or broken, well,  we all are in our own way. But it's not like no one will want you or love you. But you have to let them in first."

Noel nodded, and she watched a shy blush dust his cheeks.

"He already has that's the problem. Go to him. I can't be fucked with his sulking. No shagging either mind."

Alison laughed as she inspected the size of the bunks.

"Do you think it's possible in there?"

Noel chuckled.

"Anything's possible if you want it enough."

Alison nodded.

"Thanks for all the advice. Get some sleep."

Noel nodded and almost instantly she heard his breathing even out. She pulled a blanket off the closest bunk and draped it over him. Alison walked  to the furthest bunk. Should she knock on the side? Pull the curtain back? Speak? She had no idea. She exhaled shakily.

"Liam?" She said gently.

Liam pulled back the curtains and leant out slightly.

"Hey, what's up?"

Alison searched his face. He was acting completely casual as if nothing had happened. Maybe he didn't want her now he'd had her. Maybe it hadn't meant as much to him. Noel's words rang in her head. She had to make her intentions clear. She leant forwards slowly. She watched him frown in surprise for a moment before she lightly pecked him on the lips.

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