All Your Dreams Are Made

395 14 43

April 1995

It had been tense in the studio. Alison almost felt like an intruder. It was a horrible environment to be working in. Her allegiances were torn between personal and professional. She'd been assigned to photo document the recording sessions of the new album. And it had been turbulent, to say the least,  from the start. Moving studios from Abbey Road to Wales. It had to be right for Noel. He was a perfectionist and this caused Liam to become frustrated and they'd both become nasty towards one another and Alison would need to try and play peace maker along with Bonehead trying to break it up whilst remaining professional.

Noel had thrown that in her face a few times. "Siding with him cause yer shagging him" or something along those lines. And she genuinely nearly punched him. She calmly and boldly approached him.

"I am here in a professional capacity. I don't want involved in any of this. When Liam is out of order I'll say. Who I'm sleeping with has nothing to do with anything and if you mention it again I'm out of here."

Noel held her gaze and he actually looked mildly impressed with her response. He nodded and it was never brought up again. He never apologised but he never went there again with her.

"I'm going to kill him." Liam said through gritted teeth. His entire body was tense. Alison rubbed his back soothingly from the bed.

"Come back to bed. You need your rest. You're all not sleeping, taking too much gear then each session is ending  in a punch up. Please rest."

Liam looked back at her softly.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into all of this."

Alison shook her head.

"I'm not. Even if I wasn't working. I'd still be involved. I want to be here for you. No matter what. So I will be."

Liam lay back on the bed slowly and Alison gently touched the tense muscles in his shoulders feeling them come down. She kissed along his jaw line.

"I'd have killed him already if it weren't for you. The way he speaks to you."

Alison paused her ministrations.

"He's just focused and sometimes he doesn't realise how hurtful he's being. I know how to handle him so don't bother killing him. Forget him for tonight."

Liam sighed.

"I know. You're good with him. Calming him down. I can't. Nothing I do is ever good enough for him."

Alison held his face gently.

"You are good enough Liam. Always. He just wants this to be perfect and I know you do too. Come on let me help you relax."

Liam seemed hesitant for a moment and Alison paused.

"What's wrong?"

Liam shook his head but Alison could tell there was something going on.
Liam kissed her and Alison felt him relaxing and switching his focus to her and only her.

Liam looked at Alison sleeping feeling guilt settle into the pit of his stomach. She was everything. Why was he such a fucking idiot? Why did he ruin everything? It had been this way for three weeks. He'd been in London. Noel had pissed him off. He'd got mad and drunk and gone out. Alison had been away on a job. He'd needed someone. And she'd been there for him. Gorgeous, blonde, an actress. Patsy fucking Kensit. She'd shown him attention. He'd been flattered and comforted and he'd taken her to bed. Unfaithful again Liam. He knew his dad had been cheating on his mum and he still couldn't break the cycle. He couldn't help himself. She'd looked so gorgeous. Smelled of expensive perfume. Kissed him so good. He kept thinking of Alison in the back of his head but he shut her out. Giving in to pleasure even though he knew it wasn't right. Forget it Liam. Don't ruin it. Don't ruin it. She adored him completely, and he'd ruined it. Well done. When would he stop self destructing?

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