Fade into You

479 15 14

August 1994

Alison looked at Miles sleeping in their bed. He was kind, handsome, supportive, had a sense of humour. He was the perfect fiance in every way. She knew she was lucky. But ever since she'd met Liam again or, if she was truly honest with herself, fron the very beginning of their relationship she had compared him to Liam. She held him up against this completely stupid standard that could never be met. She was being ridiculous. She wasn't going to ruin everything she'd built over some fling she'd had when she was 17.

Miles was American and had swept her off her feet with his unabashed honesty. A similarity they shared. However the similarities ended there. He was very different to Liam. They all were. There was only one Liam Gallagher.  And that was the problem. They hadn't had any further correspondence. She'd flat our told her boss she wasn't working with them ever again. He didn't ask any questions assuming they'd said or did something untoward towards her which she didn't like at all. She didn't want him to think that but it allowed her to be left alone with no questions asked so she left it as it was.

She left for the tube and made her way into work. She almost jumped out of her skin as she felt a touch at her elbow as she rooted around in her bag for her pass to get in. Her eyes widened. Noel Gallagher.

He quickly blew our smoke and crashed his cigarette underfoot.

"Here what you ignoring us for? That guy they've had us working with is a total knobhead."

Alison grimaced. She couldn't lie to Noel because he already knew the truth.

"It was too hard seeing him again. Thinking about the 'what if's'. It just way too awkward."

Noel hesitated and looked around as if considering his options.

"When's your first scheduled session today?"


Noel glanced at his watch.

"Time for a coffee with me then?"

Alison hesitated but nodded.

"2 secs just let me clock in. I'll be right out. I know a place around the corner we can go."

If Alison had been asked if she'd expected to share a coffee and a rather deeply, personal chat with Noel Gallagher that morning it wouldn't even have made her list of top 10 most unexpected things to happen.

She watched Noel tentatively as he stirred the sugar into his coffee fascinated by the whirlpool he'd created in there.

"They want a photographer to come tour with us. I said I wanted you. They said no."

Noel stared at her evenly as she felt herself becoming increasingly flustered.

"I said I'd never work with you again. I can't Noel. There's still too much history there with Liam."

Noel sighed.

"I get it. Trust me, I get it. But if there's still something there between you both then what's the problem? You think it'd be unprofessional like? I won't tell no one."

Alison stared at him on surprise.

"Liam didn't tell you?"

Noel frowned and shook his head.

"Never said what went down that night you met up. He was in a right weird mood for a bit though."

Alison sighed and held her hand up.

Noels eyes widened on her ring and he grinned.

"Fuck me. Nearly went blind then. Congratulations."

Alison nodded and sipped her tea.

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