Just Like Honey

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AN: Belated Merry Christmas to those that celebrate. Warning: Sexytimes ahead. Separated by x's.

A record played loudly sending a warm, crackle into the air. Alison couldn't quite believe this was actually happening. Liam was beneath her on his bed and their bodies were pressed together close. Her skin was burning up as his tongue continued to explore her mouth. They were kissing. His hands were on her waist tentatively toying with the edge of her jumper hovering over the curve of her bum. Her heart pounded as she felt him hard against her hip bone. She was afraid but also compelled to go further with him. She had no idea anything could feel this way. She fisted her hands into his shirt in an attempt to be closer to him.

Liam pulled back breathlessly.

"Wait...wait. Slow down."

Alison looked down into his heavy lidded eyes marvelling at how kiss swollen and tempting his lips were.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a similarly breathless state.

Liam shook his head and smiled slowly.

"Nothin. But look we should...you should set some boundaries here. You've never...did this before."

Alison smiled down at him softly. Liam was chivalrous and respectful in a way that many people wrongly doubted he was.

Alison shrugged.

"I'm not scared with you. There isn't any boundaries. Not anymore."

Liam sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not shagging ye like this."

Alison laughed suddenly at his serious expression. It was adorable. Despite the serious conversation topic that she was so wildly naive about she wasn't scared discussing this with him.

"Well how would you shag me then?"

Liam chuckled.

"It don't sound right when you say it with your accent like that. I'd want it to be...I dunno...like special or something."

Alison smiled at his rare awkwardness.

"You're a romantic really aren't you? You're special Liam. That's all I care about."

Liam gave her a dimpled smile and kissed her softly.

"Liam! For Christ Sake turn that do-oh hello dear."

Alison broke apart from Liam with an embarassed flush and gave Peggy a shy wave. Peggy raised her brows at Liam and left the door wide open with a disapproving look directed at him. Liam sighed and pressed his head back against the headboard. He shook his head.

Alison bit her lip.

"Not quite as discreet as I'd hoped. I need to go home. They'll be worried. I can sneak out Christmas night? I want to see you."

Liam nodded.

"I'll walk you out."

Alison lingered on Liam's doorstep as he shut the door away from Peggy's prying eyes.

"She'll be asking a million questions now you know."

Alison shrugged.

"Answer them. I'm tired of secrets."

Liam looked at her intensely.

"You mean it? You're ready to tell them about me? Look I'm not asking you to do that-"

"But I want to. Just give me a bit of time."

Liam nodded and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips.


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