We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off

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Alison swallowed thickly her mouth was dry and there was a sour taste there. Her head pounded and her stomach churned queasily. Her eyes fluttered open and she shot up in the bed causing her stomach and head to complain. This wasn't her bedroom. It was Liam's. There was a basin on the floor which caused her stomach to continue to churn. At least it was empty she thought.

She looked down. She was wearing a large, baggy shirt, her socks and her pants. She blushed she hadn't worn a bra with her strapless top last night. Whoever had dressed her had seen her half naked. It must have been Liam. Her face burned hotly. She couldn't remember a thing after the club. A faint recollection of Liam's reassuring arms around her. His aftershave. That was it. She had a fuzzy memory of their lips brushing. Perhaps it had been a dream? She hoped it had been. Oh God. If her parents didn't kill her first she'd die of embarrassment.

There was a knock on the door and Alison pulled the duvet over her chest tightly.

Liam opened the door gently and smiled as he saw her sitting up awake.


Alison nodded.

"Liam...what happened last night after the club?"

Liam sat on the edge of the bed. He grinned at her.

"You had a great night. Dancing and singing all night. Until you spewed in the toilet. Then I carried you home. Couldn't exactly dump you on your doorstep like that."

Alison felt her face heat shamefully as she pulled the duvet over her head.

"No. No. No. I didn't...vomit on you did I?"

Liam chuckled.

"Nah. Trix got a bit on her shoe but she was sound about it."

She groaned.

"I'm so sorry. That's so embarrassing."

Liam laughed.

"Ay calm the fuck down. It's alright. You were having a great time. Don't get all embarrassed."

Liam wrestled the duvet down as she struggled to pull it back up.

She gazed up at him shyly and he smiled down at her as he leant over her. She blushed at his proximity.

Soft, full lips brushing against hers in the darkness.

"Liam...we didn't do... anything...together...did we?"

Liam frowned and pulled back his expression serious now.

"Course not. We're...friends right? Ally you were off your head. You don't remember anything. I'd never...not with any girl. And any guy that does that is a fucking scumbag."

Alison gave a sigh of relief. It must have been a dream. Wait...no that was bad. Dreaming about Liam. She felt a sweet ache deep in her chest at how surprisingly chivalrous and moral Liam was. How could she have gotten him so wrong at first?

"I didn't mean it like I thought you had but...I just...never mind. Thanks. For taking care of me. You're, you're a good friend Liam." She said with a soft smile.

Liam flushed lightly and nodded.

"Any time. And you know it was Trix that like dressed you and that...so I didn't see...anything incase you thought that."

Alison nodded. She would need to thank her. She was practically a stranger and they'd both shown her so much kindness last night.

"I should go. They'll kill me."

Alison stood up quickly and she clutched her head feeling woozy.

Liam caught her elbows swiftly.

"Slow down. You should eat and drink something before you go or you'll faint. You've got nothing in your system."

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