Angel Eyes - Part 1

638 17 27

December 1987

Alison smiled at Liam as she looked up from the textbook. She saw him looking far off in the distance picking fluff off her duvet absently. He'd completed his maths questions with minimal help from her and she was currently correcting them.

"What's wrong? I know you get like this when something's on your mind."

Liam sighed bringing his eyes back to hers

They were studying in her room like they always did after school.

Liam looked serious and almost hesitant.

"You come round to mine all the time. Me mam likes ye. She even let's you in me room, with the door open mind. She thinks you' girlfriend and so does Trix. My real girlfriend I mean.  I don't like lying to them."

Alison frowned.

"And you think I like keeping you a secret Liam?"

Liam looked at her intently.

"I don't know."

Alison closed the textbook sharply.

"Well I don't. I wish it wasn't like this. We're...friends that is real Liam even if everything else is a lie. When we made this bet thing I honestly didn't think it'd I never imagined it becoming a problem. I mean the people at school are leaving me alobe now...maybe we should just...stop."

Liam's face hardened. But if there was no reason to do this then...She'd stop seeing him. Gone. Out of his life like how she'd suddenly appeared in it.

"Did you think I'd give up? Too fucking stupid to teach? That it?"

Alison shook her head quickly.

"No. Not at all. I honestly didn't think you'd be able to stand me this long. I thought I'd bore you."

Liam frowned.

"Bore me?"

Alison nodded.

"'re so...exciting Liam. And I'm not. When I'm with you I feel like I could do anything, go anywhere, be anyone. I have so much fun with you when we go out. I don't know how else to describe it but it's like my whole life I've been waiting to wake up. Like I've just been sleepwalking until now. That probably doesn't make much sense to you."

Liam shook his head slowly.

"No. It makes sense. I like being around you too. I just feel...calm with ye. It's nice." He said softly looking away from her distractedly and still deep in thought. She thought he even looked a little flustered.

Alison looked at the closed textbook and impulsively stood up. Liam made her impulsive. And she liked that feeling. She went to her wardrobe and  pulled out a jumper and jeans.

"What are you doing?" Asked Liam.

"We're going out."

Liam frowned.


Alison nodded with a grin.

"Yeah. We'll drop by your house first. Now get out unless you want to watch me get changed you pervert."

Liam flushed brighter and stood in the doorway.

"Where we going?"

Alison smiled.

"An adventure. I want to cross something off your list for Christmas. I've got 2 off mine already that isn't fair."

"Three. You nearly have the whistle." Corrected Liam with a grin.

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