Beast Of Burden

650 19 32

Liam could sense that Alison was nervous in the way she bit her lip and shuffled her feet slightly as they stood on the doorstep holding their bag of beers.

"Ay. Chill. It's just a house party."

Alison drew him a look of disbelief as he rang the doorbell.

"Yes a house filled with people I've never met. Or people I have met at the bus stop that think I'm a stuck up posh twat."

Liam smiled at her softly.

"I'll fucking knock anyone's lights out if they say anything to you. Fake bird or not."

Alison  gave him a shocked look and shoved him.

"No you won't! I'm making enough of a scene by showing up here. Please don't."

Liam looked atvher intensely.

"Well what do you expect me to fucking do Ally? Standing back and let them talk shit about ya. Nah. Look I know this isn't real...or whatever but you're with me and until you're not...I got your back."

Aliaon blushed at his fierce loyalty.

"Is this how you got in trouble all the time? Fighting?"

Liam nodded.

"Amongst other things."

"I can fight my own battles."

Liam looked at her approvingly.

"Never said you couldn't."

The door was pulled open by Jabba she assumed. The red headed buzz cut from the bus stop.

"Ay ay ay Liam you brought your private school girlfriend?" He said as he embraced him.

"Alison to you." He said warningly.

He knelt down in a mock bow and Alison curtsied straight back with a bitter smile.

Liam took her hand and dragged her inside. Alison's eyes widened. She hadn't realised so many people could fit in this house. Alcohol. Loud music. Someone was blasting Rolling Stones 'Gimme Shelter'. Clouds of smoke. Nicotine and weed. Everyone embraced and cheered Liam's arrival like he were a God. She watched in awe at the way he magnetically drew Everyone in just by being him and doing nothing in particular at all. She shouldn't be here. She didn't belong in this world at all. His world. The walls were closing in. Too many people. Too much noise. She dropped Liam's hand and weaved quickly through to the open back door where people were smoking weed.

She drew in deep breaths and the girl on the doorstep gazed up at her with large, brown eyes. Freckles. Dirty blonde hair. Pretty. Around their age.

She patted the step next to her and offered her her cigarette.

Alison sat beside her and gratefully inhaled the cigarette deeply. It was weed. She'd never smoked a cigarette before let alone weed. She'd just been so overwhelmed she took it unthinkjngly.  She coughed and unlike the other 2 guys and a girl who laughed the girl beside her didn't.

"Oi fuck off. Y'alright?" Her accent was thick like Liam's and she rubbed her back gently as if she wasn't a stranger.

She nodded as she took in a smaller puff.

"Thankyou. I just...I don't normally go to things like this. Liam invited me."

The girl's eyes widened.

"How do you and Liam know each other?" She asked.

Alison tensed. Oh no. Was this an ex?


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