Line Up

497 17 11

Warning: sexy times. Separated by x's.

She didn't think. He didn't think. It just felt right. Pure desire and instinct. A primal and natural urge had always existed between the two but it had never been fully acted upon. And now that wrong was finally being righted after all these years. They stumbled towards the bed their lips locking only parting briefly to remove items of clothing before instantly latching back together. Liam pulled back for a moment breathlessly gazing at her naked skin. As beautiful as he remembered, more so in fact. He gently traced the line between the tan and the soft, pale flesh of her breast. Alison shivered from just that simple touch. She watched Liam's bewitching eyes deepen and darken with desire. When Liam looked like that she felt completely defenseless. She would do anything he asked. Adhere to his every whim willingly if he asked, not that he would ask. His lashes faltered and he gazed deep into her eyes. A brief flash of hesitation and guilt and Alison shook her head. She took his face gently in her hands marvelling at how it felt rougher with stubble than the baby fluffy stubble he had had before. She smiled at him gently.

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