You and Me

311 10 4

September 1999

"Are you sure this is everything you're taking?" Asked Trixie gently as she rubbed Liam's back.

Liam sighed heavily as he looked around the opulent house he and Patsy had bought together but somehow never gotten around to making a home. A few of Lennon's baby toys lay scattered around and he felt a sickening weight settle in his chest.

He was walking away. Was he any better than his father? A shite dad. A serial cheater.

"Apple never falls far from the tree does it?" He asked.

Trix looked at him softly. She was the only one he could trust to see him like this. The only one who wouldn't judge him.

"Yes it does. You're a good dad Liam. Don't you dare even think you're anything like him with Lennon. just weren't a very good husband that's all."

Liam smiled sadly and squeezed her hand that was resting on his shoulder.

"Thanks for that. And the honesty."

He admired that Trix was kind but also always a straight shooter. She'd always been that way.

"I'm not judging you Liam. And I'm not nagging either. But you wouldn't be feeling sorry for yourself if you hadn't played away. This isn't exactly the first time."

Liam rubbed his hand over his face. His heart twinged as he thought back to the girl who's heart he'd broken in that garden in Wales three years ago now.

"I know."

"Why did you do it?" Asked Trix.

Liam shrugged. He honestly didn't know. Usual. He wanted to fuck his life up. He didn't deserve happiness.

"Because maybe I don't want the perfect little family thing you've got with him alright? What's so great about it anyway?" He said bitterly.

Trix frowned and shook her head.

"Don't bring me and my choices into this Liam. I never judged you for yours. If you really don't want that fine. But maybe it's just because you think you don't deserve it. And until you do you'll keep hurting yourself and everyone else around you." She said quietly as she stood up and rubbed her rapidly growing bump agitatedly.

Liam sighed. She was right as always.

"That were out of order what I said. Well, let's say you were right. How do I stop?"

Trix smiled at him.

"You need time alone to figure yourself out. For me and him it was spending time alone and apart that helped. You need to heal yourself're still carrying things from way back. I can help you. But you need to be prepared to face this."

Liam nodded.

"I don't know if I am."

Trix reached down and squeezed his hand.

"You will be. When you're ready. And I'll be here whenever you need."

Liam grinned.

"No you won't. 2 kids under 4. And married to the biggest kid of them all."

Trix laughed.

"I'll always have time for you. You know that."

Liam nodded. He knew that too.

Trix frowned at a small box on the top of his pile of boxes. It was a shoe box and different from the others.

"New shoes?" She asked.

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