Angel Eyes pt 2.

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Liam wanted Ally. It was that simple. Yet it wasn't. Because he couldn't have her. Shouldn't want her. But he did. He wanted her for himself. Not in the pretend way he'd had her for months. In the real way. He wanted to take her in his arms and press his lips against hers and kiss her until they were both breathless. The girl he was dancing with was pretty. But she wasn't Ally. She'd ruined him. Made him sick with whatever it was she'd infected him with. He was delightfully buzzed with alcohol. Not drunk. Not sober. Perfect.

Ally seemed a bit quiet on the tube on the way back to the apartment. She was watching a couple kissing passionately across from them. The girl was wrapped around the man shamelessly and his hands were squeezing into the soft flesh in her thigh. A group of drunk guys at the door whistled and laughed.

Liam frowned as he squeezed her hand lightly.

"What's up?"

Alison tore her eyes away a light blush on her cheeks as she looked at him. She shook her head.

"It's nothing."

But Liam knew it was something.

It was late by the time they got in. 3am. Ally got ready for bed in the bathroom amd swapped with Liam when she was done.

Ally was sitting on the edge of the bed bed nervously fretting her hands in the cover. Liam looked at her gently.

"Is there blankets I can borrow for the couch?" He asked.

Ally looked at him a blush suddenly tinting her cheeks.

"You can...I mean you can sleep on the bed. With me."

Liam's eyes widened and he shook his head with a soft smile.

"That wouldn't be right Ally."

She looked at him defiantly.


Liam's frown deepened.

"What's gotten into you tonight? You're being weird. It wouldn't be right because we're not together like that."

Alison held his gaze.

"We're friends so then it shouldn't be weird if we shared a bed."

Liam felt his heart pounding in the oddly tense exchange between them. The very air in the room felt charged. He didn't know what to say.

He obediently went to lie down staring at the ceiling mindlessly to avoid her gaze. Alison lay close beside him. She was too close. He could feel the soft warmth of her skin. Smell her shampoo wrapping around him. He screwed his eyes shut tight and clenched his hands into fists for fear of touching her. He willed sleep to come. If he was sleeping he couldn't do anything stupid. He let the heaviness of the journey settle into his bones willing his weariness to overtake the impulse to kiss her.

  She reached out and tentatively ran her hand from his wrists until they rested on his shoulder. Liam's skin was burning up. There was no oxygen in the room.

"Ally...what are you doing?" He asked quietly. He was embarrassed to find his voice shook slightly.

"Nothing I just...have you been with girls like this before Liam?"

He relaxed into her touch and into the expensive bedding.

"Mmm you know I have."

Alison watched his lashes flutter and his chest rose and fall steadily.


"Mmm?" He mumbled barely awake.

"I need to tell you something...I like you Liam."

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