Dreaming my Dreams

322 8 19

September 1996

Alison sat smoking a cigarette and drinking an espresso on the corner of a Caffè in primrose Hill.  Her heart froze in her chest and her stomach sank like a stone as she looked at the picture in the magazine she was reading. A close up shot of Patsy Kensit and Liam looking completely besotted and in love. It was a great shot. Intimate, tender...had he ever looked at her that way? They hadn't spoken since the horrific break up despite Liam's best efforts to patch things up she'd cut him off. Her heart couldn't take it again. She'd lost him twice. She couldn't take a third. He didn't look heartbroken about it. Engaged to the beautiful Patsy Kensit less than 6 months since they broke up. Why wasn't he as cut up about this as she was? She wanted to stick her fork in his perfect face. She'd been privileged enough to be in Patsy's position once. She found she wasn't jealous of Patsy as she'd expected. She was worried for her. Liam Gallagher was good at 2 things. Making you fall in love with him and then breaking your heart.

She glanced up as a shadow fell across her blocking out the sun. She smiled up at Noel who leant down to press a kiss to her cheek which she returned in a half hug. Oddly Noel had been a good friend to her in the past few months. They had even more in common now than when she'd been with Liam. See now they both knew how it felt to hate Liam's guts.

"Put that away. Stupid pair of cunts. Get enough of them in real life watching them swan about back stage." He said as he sat down helping himself to a cigarette from her pack.

Alison nodded and closed the magazine.

"That bad?"

Noel nodded.

"Worse. I'm telling you right now. They'll be divorced within a year. He's still mad on ye. Fucks him right off that you speak to me and not 'im." He said with a proud smirk.

Alison grinned.

"Good. How's things besides Liam driving you mad?"

Noel nodded.

"Still coming down from Knebworth. Writing the new album. Or trying to."

Alison nodded.

"I saw the pictures. It looked mad."

Noel smiled sadly.

"You should have been there. Jill was great. But you...you should have been there."

Alison shrugged.

"I like the quiet life now. Working in bridal fashion photography is as tame as it sounds. I think I'm done with bands. You were right. Trix was right too. Best to stay away. Don't put your life in the hands of a rock n roll band who'll only throw it all away."

Noel chuckled.

"Did you just quote my own lyrics back at me?"

Alison nodded.

"Yeah I did. I know how much you like getting your ego massaged."

Noel hesitated as he sipped the coffee she'd ordered for him.

"How is she? I know...I know that you meet."

Alison nodded.

"She's good. A lot better. Happier living in Wales. Away from all this. I was up last weekend. Your mum was there too. You should visit her. She misses you just as much you know."

Noel blushed and shook his head.

"Too many memories. She took me there...when we first met. Rhyl beach. Before we told anyone else about us that was just our special place where we could just be...she was only 17. She took me there on my 22nd birthday. Don't think I knew what love was until then...or since."

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