i. pilot

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blurred people occupied your field of view, a strong feeling of relaxation taking charge of your brain, making them appear stronger. it was as of you were caught up in a daze, similar to the feeling of being drunk. your whole body seemed as if it wasn't in the human real anymore.

"mrs. komiya!"

a loud banging sound from the table suddenly startled your mind awake, forcing the eyes to stay open while they wanted to drift to dream land.

now those lines were replaced with a furious human, much disgrace laced on their eyes "if you don't like my class you can leave" your eyes slowly focused on their face.

the teacher crossed her arms one over the other. you could hear evident snickers some certain creature behind your back, wanting to cuss at them.

"can i?" your response shocked the teacher "will you make me go talk with the principal if i walk out?" you inquired, genuinely thinking about ditching class and sleeping outside.

"detention today" the teacher just stated, not wanting to fight with the same student she does everyday. out of all the students in the academy, she just had to get the most troublesome one in her class, it was surprising she wasn't doing much this week, but again, it was just monday, the torture had just started.

shoetly after, the dismissal bell rang loudly, cueing the class to start putting their things into their backpacks and chat away.

you shoved loose papers with doodles and crossed-out words, scrambling them in the process.

"you know that contributes to pollution right?" a voice behind said "i didn't think you would step so low"

rolling your eyes, you slung the backback into your shoulder, hitting the person behind by doing so "you pollute my life with your presence" the words left your mouth, turning around.

"animal cruelty" the mullet-styled boy placed a hand over his heart, looking away.

"yeah sure i'm the worst" you laughed, taking him by his left arm, interlacing them together and making way to the class exit.

receiving stares from other students as both stepped out of class, he took his arm back, earning a weird side-eye from you "i hate you, you always do that" a pout appeared below your puffed cheeks.

"i have to keep my bad boy exterior" he calmly said, dusting his black jacket off while trying to act like a cool motorcycle rider, pollution your view.

"nicholas please never say that ever again, it was so cringe" you gagged, looking traumatized, grabbing your stomach while jumping away.

nicholas rolled his eyes playfully, following and nudging your side quite hardly.

still heading outside to the garden, when you spotted someone, leaving nicholas long forgoten - much to his dismay - and running towards the other person, who stood next to his locker.

"taki!!!" the cat-eyed boy froze as his name was called out, slowly turning to the noise source with squinted eyes, that wided once seeing you.

"you-" you quickly jumped onto him, shaking his shoulder "why were you missing?!" you questioned the poor boy who felt like his brain was being scrambled from all the shaking.


once seeing his eyes basically give turns, you stopped, stepping back "i thought you died, i was already planning your funeral"

taki shook his head quickly, regaining his senses back and staring right back into your eyes with his, poker smile as a companion "don't lie, i know you were asking around about me" he poked your side sneakily.

nicholas finally made it with slow steps to where you and the family cat stood, stopping every once and then to wink and say hi to people.

"appreciate it, at least she asks about you" he stated, resting his arm on your shoulder with a click of his tongue "me and who?"

you shrugged his arm off "get away from me, wet dog smelling boy" you nudged his stomach.

taki already knew you two were going to bicker again, like you always do, wanting to have the last word each. he decided to slyly walk away, hoping for the best.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎, jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now