xvi. true identity

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a strange feeling of awkwardness settled as soon as you entered your dorm. the first thing you saw was nothing, it was empty, your roommate nowhere in sight.

so you quickly got ready for school and then went to search for her.

she wasn't in class since it was break time, and when you asked around, people said they only saw her in homeroom.

minutes of running around school, interrupting conversations and failed questions, you were left confused. wonyoung was always around, but today it was impossible to find her.

soon enough, you started searching in unusual places for your best friend, finally making it to the abandoned sports shed next to the woods.

a figure sat leaning their back on the door, looking straight through the trees.

walking closer, you made out the sulking person to be the one you were searching for.

"wony! wony!" you exclaimed, running. but your efforts didn't seem - to want -  to be noticed by her, as her head turned away in neglect.

you swallowed hard before sitting down next to her, not wanting to show how this hurts you.

suddenly feeling like way back, before becoming a leader, before having a family, before running away, a faint dejavu, having a group of friends in school.

it was lunch time, everyone brought food from home, including yourself, you dad had prepared stir fried vegetables with much excitement to make delicious food for you. having to excuse yourself from the table, you went to the bathroom. it was not long before you came back, only seeing your lunch bag on the table, as the group moved to another one. dismissing this act, you followed the said table, sitting on the edge.

as you opened your food container and vapor came out from it still being a bit hot, a shriek suddenly alerted everyone. a girl was pinching her nose, looking away "something smells bad"

"it smells like fart"


"ew! komiya your food!"

all heads turned to you, as your cutlery was in hand ready to eat, stopping your actions upon hearing your name "huh?"

"your food smells really bad" another girl spoke, being supported by the one next to her "if you want to eat it, you can go to another table and then come back"

of course the difference between them and wonyoung was that she actually didn't meant to make you feel bad, as she herself, felt bad as well.

"wonyoung.. listen i know-" before you could even talk further, the girl turned around, revealing her tear stained eyes, twinkling under the sun, and tinted nose.

"i don't get it" she simply said, emotionless, as if all of her feelings had been gone with her tears.

"what do you mean?" your voice trembled back to her.

a scoff came from her, looking down bitterly "why do you always hide things from me? whenever you go out at night with everyone i'm not invited, you have a group chat without me, and now you wanted me to go away, why? just why?" teats started to cascade down her cheeks, landing on the yellowish grass.

"i know you don't have to tell me anything, but im scared, im scared of not being enough of a good friend for you, that you have to hide things" she seemed to be having an internal battle "do you think i will tell people about your secrets or anything?" she looked up with hope in her eyes.

you paused for a second, being a but thrown back by wonyoung's confession "i know you won't, i trust you" you stood up, offering to pull her up.

she thought deeply, before taking your hands, the touch being as light as a feather but holding many undiscovered feelings "i want to show you something" you kept hold of her hand, walking in the forest.

a few seconds later, both girls found themselves on a semi-opening of trees, the land in the middle - small - but enough for what you were about to recklessly do.

"jang wonyoung" you turned to her, saying her full name in seriousness "do you trust me and know i would never harm you?" the words came slowly.

her looked puzzled, but nonetheless nodded "of course"

with that, you let go of her hands, standing a mere two meters away, starting to take off your shoes.

"mai! what are you doing?!" she went to walk over and scold you for getting your socks dirty, but stopped when you threw her a look.

next, you took off your jacket, as wonyoung's eyes widened "are you crazy?! are you going to undress here??"

"what?? no! its just this" you hissed, feeling a bit embarrassed by her superstition.

throwing the jacket over to the girl, who caught it with ease, you stepped back three times, making sure there was enough space.

"okay..." you murmured, looking up to the girl "wony, please don't be scared" she could hear you but looked ready for whatever she thought you were doing.

silence enveloped the scene, giving a sense of mysteriousness. it was way too late to back out now from the plan, and you never were one to cancel things.

in the blink of an eye, from wonyoung's view she could only see as you jumped high in the air, your body and bones growing into one of a beast.

she was startled, not by the action, but by the size, her legs giving up, making her fall back into the ground with a thud.

her eyes went over the animal, from the bug paws that looked like they could crush anything, to the soft-looking dark gray body, and then the eyes.

the eyes held the same look as her best friend ever did when she anticipated or looked anxious over what someone would say, glittering under the rays of sun which came down from spaced in between the tree leaves.

back on her feet, wonyoung bit her lower lip, curiously getting closer each passing second, being face to face with the huge animal, but still having to look a bit up.

"so, you're a werewolf"

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎, jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now