I Want to Eat [Page 02]

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WARNING: Swearing ahead!


I Want to Eat
By: Shuri


Always thought my stomach is hungry,

No, bitch! You're just bored.

Always to myself, "Stop, it's not funny!"

But the fridge is a treasure chest,

Eating the gold is a lottery

What's diet? What's exercise?

How to pronounce calorie deficit?

My planner and calendar is on the trash,

I can't track what I'm eating.

Guilty pleasure and adrenaline rush,

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.


I want to be thin,

I want to eat.

It's a tug of war inside my mind

Between temptation and will.

Feels like the food is running away from me

Someone just slap me to reality

A stricter reminder to my willpower

"I'll start tomorrow" is just procrastination.

It's easy to gain, it's hard to lose.

Waiting for the time

Where I can't pinch my stomach with fats.


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