Attention Seeker [Page 16]

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Attention Seeker
By: Shuri


They say I was quiet at first

But long enough, I'll be loud and be the worst

Sorry if it feels like I'm a psychopath,

Just that it's getting lonely when no one's got my back


I want all those flashing lights.

Come here and give me the spotlight

I'm sick of crying in the dark

In this world, let me leave my mark.


I am an attention seeker, not gonna lie.

I've always known, and I always know why

Ignoring me is my kryptonite

Shouting with my voice is the only way I can fight


I'd rather die than being tortured like this

I guess I'm the type of person that no one would miss

Just sick of being kind to everyone who doesn't care

Now, if I'm the one who's evil, it isn't fair


I can see people care for others, I can see them being sad

But can they see me spending my days pretty bad?

Everyone is kind to each other.

While I'm here, overthinking if I'm a bother


Listen to my thoughts, give me attention

Is there even anyone who would see me as a person?

Torturous years that are worse than dying

Would it just be better if I disappear without a warning?


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