Cupid's Plaything [Page 39]

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Cupid's Plaything
By: Shuri


This is none other than a curse

Death might not be the worse

Shattering my heart into pieces

Then gluing it back to be broken again


A Cupid's plaything, a destiny's toy

My life is like a movie, a comedy

My romance is his playground

His circus is my love story


I got too much love to give

Then got wasted on the wrong glass

Poured too much, then left spoiled

Never gonna turn to what it once was


He gave me a maze to deal with

Thought I found the exit

But found out I'm going in circles

Then I knew there's no end to it


Hypnotized, he gave me my dream

But like dreams, it can never be reached

Getting closer but never be touched

Why am I still chasing?


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