Un-killable [Page 17]

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By: Shuri


Once upon a time

They gave me immortality

Was it a blessing, a curse?

Was it a punishment for my immorality?


Pain that doesn't bleed surrounds me

Would rather suffer from the bleed

Close my eyes forever, peacefully

Would rather just get cold feet


Gifted and genius, they said

Expected to climb higher than my mountain

Yet most climbers ended up dead

Now I'm beaten up and fallen


Pressure to climb higher

Expected to dive deeper

And bring back treasure that will never be mine

Only got suffering from an unseen force


Yet I'm still un-killable

Still walking on the Earth

I wish I was invisible

Waiting to permanently disappear


Still alive in this Earth

While my loved ones fade before me

Leaving me with this inescapable curse

Does this immortality make me happy?


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