I Don't Care [Page 08]

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I Don't Care
By: Shuri


Oh I'm caught up again by your smile

Can't see it but your eyes can tell

If only I can fall like this all the time

Shouldn't underestimate the depth of the well


But this poem isn't just about me

Setting aside uncontrolled emotions

A good actor, making sure you won't see

The love I bottled up, through my motions


You're in love with someone else, I know

Can't do anything but to be jealous

Watching you leave beside us and go

Chasing after him, like he's that precious


Anger, sadness, and grief

That's normal to have at that time, right?

Feels like you got stolen from me by a thief

But I know it's not my right to fight


Love, you love too much and too fast

Feels like you're walking on a landmine

I wanted to save you from that danger

Never cared if you'll never be mine


What's the use of these hands

If it was chained up away to protect you?

My voice is the only power that stands

Hoping when I call, it'll reach you


If your happiness caused by my pain

Then I would even dance in a fire pit

Just don't be hurt, no stain

Love, please snap out of it


Irony of calling you an idiot many times

While I'm ten times worse than a fool

He said "look for love that will benefit you this time"

Sure he'll be disappointed now I'm using myself as a tool


It hurts to see you happy with someone else

But it hurts more that you're hurting yourself

All I want for you is to be safe, nothing else

Even that ends up just me with myself


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