Colorblind [Page 38]

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By: Shuri


Through the window of my room

A starless sky without a moon

As if darkness already succumbed my life

Do I even bother to keep this rhyme?


The world is now grey in my eyes

No colors, no light, no everything

Like I became lifeless and colorblind

The path ahead of me leads to nothing


Wasting my time on toxic friendship and love

Wasting my time chasing that dove

Chasing dreams that is not mine

Now I felt like I'm running out of time


Can I live past twenty like Hamilton?

Or should have I not been born?

These different colors started to become the same

It's hard to pretend to not be insane


Wanted to cry, but wouldn't let out

Now with a heavy heart like a rain cloud

So cold, a little warmth is enough

Even it's from my tears when crying in the dark


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