Runs Out [Page 22]

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Runs Out
By: Shuri


Feeling your presence even at a

Wanted to keep my eyes on you

Wanted to reach for you this instance

Even I gain nothing from you


Another one-sided love, another me being stupid

But, I'm treasuring our every time

You're now the only one I want to be with

Like I was running out of time.


Finding someone else other than me

I wish you the best of luck.

Doesn't matter if I'll just be your side story,

You're the story I wanted to get stuck.


Just want to get closer to you

Like a moth to a deadly flame

Shortening the distance between us

Until I can jump comfortably to your frame.


Your small actions are my deep thoughts.

Repeating them inside my head

Wishing this to be beside you on life

How I badly wish I won't be dead.


Dear, my love, I only want your self

Before you'll be taken away beside me,

Wanted to keep you all by myself

Before my time runs out.


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