Perfect Comedy [Page 12]

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Warning: Swearing ahead!


Perfect Comedy
By: Shuri


When people see me, they all laugh

When they see me, they made me some joke

Mother always tell me, be tough

But everyday, more jokes made me choke


Suffocating like sea of darkness,

Waters of failure, misfortune, insecurity

Knowing the difference between depression and sadness

Doesn't matter, still the same, still a misery


And now I'm a clown of my life

Laughter mixed with the cries of pain

Crying and giggling all night

Would you join me in going insane?


A comedian, yes, not just a rumor.

Should be on TV shows, not on school

I could tell corny jokes, like my dark humor?

Tell you about my life and how I made myself a fool!


Being bullied, bullying, yeah, that's funny!

That's always what my childhood taught me

Have I gain weight? My face? Yeah, it's ugly!

Perfect laughingstock, perfect comedy


And when I do the same, my horns grew

When I made others a joke, insulted by me

I'm the only demon, they said it's true

The fuck, I'm just joking, why take it seriously?


Can't you see? This is the perfect comedy!

My joke is my life, my joke is me.

Tears of laughter is all that's left in me!

Can't wait to finish this joke, it's too funny.


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