Background Character [Page 20]

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Background Character
By: Shuri


Another day, another time

Gonna keep that smile wide

Look at the camera

The main character is here


Flawless, beautiful, liked by everyone

Even he kept his eyes on her

While I'm just behind, just every one

I'm a background character


My life is a novel, but not the protagonist

Just the artist's lazy no-eyed work

Never tried to be hopeful and idealist

Here to be the shadow of the book


I yearn for that higher podium

And wear her plot armour

Too sick of being a cardboard

Just want that glamour


Wanted to have that development

Conflict fixed together with friends,

Him as my love interest,

And battle with my inner demons


Getting tortured in every chapter

No name, just one single purpose

To show up behind the main character

And repeat for the next day


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