Constant Suffering [Page 09]

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Constant Suffering
By: Shuri


Dancing in hell with bare feet

Scenery that brought my eyes pain

Torturous rhythm, deadly beat

How long will I stay sane?


You with someone that's not me

I belittled the wound of my heart

This constant suffering; set me free

Feels like I'm being torn apart


This poem is a dying message

Everyone is the murderer

But in the end, no one's a sage

I am my own killer


I was worried and concerned about you

But you never checked me out

Even just a friend, am I really
important to you?

Or you're just using me to vent out?


Can't help but to glare

Everyone is a traitor

No one's a friend, they just stare

At you as you die slowly


Still, I'm hoping that you're happy

Just don't let me see you smile

My favorite part of you gives me misery

I wish I can ignore you for a while


Friendship is more important to me

Than romance that I rarely felt

But then, he's all you can see

Friends are nothing compared to his belt


This is my child soul shouting

Hurting, but never dies

Screaming from the constant suffering

Wish I can just bid you goodbyes


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