Front Door [Page 30]

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Front Door
By: Shuri


Coming from an invisible heartbreak,

Too tired to long for someone again

Then, what-ifs linger in my brain

Another would-be disaster, give me a break


I wasn't looking at anyone but you

Too late to notice these feelings

Too late to make a move

Since someone tried to get closer to you


Now I'm just in your front door

Hoping and wishing to let me in

Waiting for you to let me see your color

You're the light in the darkness I'm in


You tried to talk to me

You pulled me when I'm in danger

Wishing you could've pulled me closer

But I guess it's too much to ask


Can you sense me on your front door?

Is it me you're waiting for?

Or is it just my assumption?

How I wish this time, it wouldn't be another rejection


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