Mr. Social Distancing [Page 21]

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Mr. Social Distancing
By: Shuri


From nobody to a friend of a friend,

Shouldn't have let it pass that

Our relationship should just be about business

Now I got sidetracked.


You always lure me with your voice,

Your jokingly creepy smile is your charm

Thought you're just a siren,

But I tried looking behind your face.


Curiosity and interest, my excuses

Just wanted to get to know you more

Before everything and every emotion starts,

Wanted to add more reasons other than your presence


But I stepped back, lost confidence again

Your door is closed for me

Did I make a mistake? Give you pain?

Or just wanna stay away from me?


Keep ignoring my little attempts

Now I'm just chasing you in small steps

Will I just be someone from class to you?

Will I just be less than a friend to you?


Now we're just social distancing,

Passing me by in the hallway

Looking for someone new that isn't panicking

Sorry that I grew up this way


I stepped back, stopping my violence

My door is closed for you

You think I'm insane? Have anger issues?

You're scared of me, aren't you?


Story Traveller: A Poem JournalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora