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It was about 3 months into Josie's pregnancy and the young siphoner was starting to show.

The girl had a cute little baby bump and she was more than happy to show it off. Life for her was great, she honestly loved the whole pregnancy stage, she was an complete weirdo. Josie might have been the only pregnant women to enjoy being pregnant, even with the little pain.

Hope was getting use to the whole idea and helping out with the baby, the only problem was that she keep replaying what happened 3 months ago, over and over, she felt like she was missing something.

Everything was fine until Josie told Hope that she would be moving 5 hours away.

The auburn haired girl didn't take it well but she did realize that she had no choice, she couldn't decide for Josie and that's something she wasn't going to do.

Hope being the best friend that she is, had things being shipped over to Josie's new house. She had everything set up for the baby, even if she didn't agree on the whole Josie moving away.

The brunette thought it would be cute to let Hope decide on how the baby's room would be, that being yellow and black themed. (Hope thought it matched her and Josie's ego.)

"Thanks for today, hope." The brunette smiled as she ate a spoon full of ice cream and nudged over at the shorter girl.

Hope smiled and nodded. "Always jo, she trailed off and over to the Josie's belly. "can't wait to see baby jo, hopefully before you move." The auburn haired girl sighed.

Josie rolled her eyes "we talked about this Hope, and you were okay with me going away. You have your life down here and I'm starting my life a couple of hours from here, you can always visit and me and this baby will visit you two Hope."

"I know Josie but I don't know what I would do without you." Hope admits.

"It's time we really grew up hope, we can't be those same teenagers anymore." The brunette clarified and the auburn haired girl nodded to show that she understood. Josie let out a deep sigh. "We will always be best friends Hope, just I'll be 5 hours away, that's not a bad drive." The brunette pointed out.

Hope chewed on her bottom lip. "I understand Josie." There was silence between them for a moment before Josie face heated up.

The brunette was thinking about the moments with Hope and how lovely it would be to have her best friend around her child, even if she was never going to ask Hope to move with her.

Josie knew thought it was inappropriate, and so would everyone else.

—just imagine the thought of living with someone that I've recently got over. The girl had been insanely in love with Hope since they were in middle school, and now that Josie had gotten over her, which was about an year ago, she wasn't about to start back up on it.

Josie's the type to fall in love with you if you brought her a butt load of White poppy flowers—NEWS FLASH: Josie falls in love way too fast—not that it was hard to not to fall in love with hope—The girl just had no such luck in those subjects.

—"so, girl or boy?" Hope asked as they just stood there awkwardly. "I'm feeling like it's a girl and she's going to come out looking like her mama." Hope teased as she poked at Josie's belly.

Josie chuckled a bit. "And what if the baby's a boy?" Josie asked

Hope eyes widened before she kneeled down towards Josie's belly bump. "If you come out looking like your dad than I will kick his ass." Hope muttered.

The brunette slapped the back of hopes head and glared at her. "You can't say that to the baby." Josie says before pulling Hope back up and off the ground.

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