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Hope burnt holes into Jed's soul as she watched him smile and hold Olivia.

It pained her to watch them but she also didn't trust Jed so she wouldn't just leave them here unprotected.

—"Hope, can I talk with you." Josie broke the girl out of her trances.

The auburn haired girl looked up and she smiled before nodding. She then walked into the kitchen and they stopped in front of it. "What's up?" Hope asked as she shoved her fingers into the front of her pocket.

"Why are you acting like this? I get that you don't like Jed but I don't get why you can't just like him in the sake of your niece."

—"listen Josie, I need to tell you something and I need to tell you now or you'll never-"

"Save it hope, I don't want to hear anything about your tormenting with Jed, just please try and be nice to him, especially since he's going through a rough break up with his boyfriend and he's only trying to be good dad to his daughter." Josie crossed her arms.

The auburn haired girl nodded. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe the werewolf isn't the father. You know seeing as he can literally only produce boys but that's the least of the worries, because that baby also has a head full of hair. Her so called father is a bald head little bi-"

Josie glared and grabbed Hope by the ear. "What did I say, Hope?" She questioned before searching the older girls eyes.

The shorter girl only sighed in defeat, she knew that Jed must of had her wrapped around his little finger. "Okay Josie, whatever you say." Hope pulled back and stormed out to grab her sweater.

She looked over at a now crying Olivia and she frowned. Jed was trying his best to make her calm down but it wasn't working. "Give her the pacifier."

Jed looked up at Hope and then down at the baby that he was holding—incorrectly. "You also need to hold her head and back up for support as well as her bottom so you know if she needs a new pamper at all times." Hope pointed out as she scratched the back of her head.

The man followed as instructed and it wasn't working. "Hold her a little more closer to you so she catch off your energy, if your vibe is not there then she's going to cry in an instant. Let her know that she's loved, she can sense it. From her werewolf side, I guess."

"But she's not a werewolf yet." Jed spoke up before slowly rocking Olivia back and forth.

Josie stood at the door listening to everything in confusion. "She's a cub, no matter if she turned or not, she has the werewolf trace in her blood and it's ready to be sensed at all times." Hope paused for a moment as Olivia spit out her pacifier and the auburn haired girl quickly applied hand sanitizer to her hands and rubbed it in.

She made her way to get Olivia out of Jed's hands and she held onto her head and back as she held the baby close to her. Hope then made her way to hold the baby right so that she wouldn't be uncomfortable or fall, as her eyes lit up gold. "You also have to keep hold of her pacifier because she's not old enough to hold it herself and it'll keep falling and she'll keep crying." Hope assured as she gave the pacifier to Olivia.

Jed let out an nervous chuckle. "That's a lot for a new born, I'm sure she'll get over not having her pacifier soon." Jed assured as he ran his hands over his knees. "And crying isn't going to hurt a baby, what you are trying to teach me is to spoil my daughter and that's not happening." Jed scratched the back of his head.

Hope eyes lit back to blue and she chewed on her bottom lip as she held back her anger. "No, she's an new born. I understand that maybe taking her off of a pacifier is a good idea but she's just adjusting to it, that's like taking a bird away from its egg."

"So I'm a bird now?"

"Well if the shoe fits." Hope shrugged as she rocked the baby back in forth in her arms. "Listen, I don't want to argue with you, but all that she's not going to be spoiled stuff is crazy. She has me who's actually more than fortune to buy her whatever she wants."

—Josie cleared her throat as Jed scoffed. "I thought you were leaving." Josie says directing towards Hope.

The auburn haired girl smiled sadly and walked over towards the bassinet. "She's sleep and I'm sure she'll need a bottle in about 30 minutes." Hope says before putting on her sweater. "I'll see you later Josie." Hope assured before leaving out of the house.


"So, do you have any other friends that act weird around Olivia?"

Josie shook her head as she sat down on the couch. "Hopes not acting weird, she just needs to adjust to the change." The brunette assured.

Jed nodded "and you're sure she doesn't like you? She just seems like the type."

"I'm giving you a chance in our daughters life and you are insulting my best friend, do you want to get throw out of my house?" She crossed her arms and glared.

Jed awkwardly shifted from one side to the other. "No, I just think it's a little weird how close you guys are. It's obvious that she likes you and all. Hell I'm sure if it was possible she would claim to be Olivia's father or something." Jed let out an awkward chuckle.

Josie still glared at Jed. "Listen, we need to go over rules for this whole co-parenting thing."

"Uhh, actually I was thinking that maybe Olivia had both of her parents in her life seeing as that's what every child needs and maybe we can even see if theres a spark between us." Jed smiled sincerely.

—"there isn't and I'm actually talking to someone else." Josie admits.

The tien man nodded. "Okay. Things just got awkward." He let out an nervous laugh. "Um, besides that, I was thinking that I go and pay for Olivia's name to be changed. I'm thinking Olivia tien and we remove her middle name, I'm not liking it all that much."

Josie scoffed and got up from the couch. "I don't think this is going work, Olivia is not getting her last name changed and she for sure isn't changing her middle name, it represents Hope." Josie assured.

"That's exactly why we should change it." Jed shoved his hands into his front pockets.

Olivia cries interrupted the two. "I'm sorry Jed but we'll have to talk later, my daughter needs me right now." Josie admits before grab some hand sanitizer.

—"well she's my daughter too, so I guess she needs us both."

Josie was amazed at the words that just left his mouth, she took a deep breath. "Get the hell out of my house, Jed. I said we'll talk later."

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