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Josie and Hope hadn't talked since Josie had reveal that she was going to let Jed back into Olivia's life, but Hope did visit Olivia while Josie was still in the hospital.

Not that Josie would know because it was always when the brunette was sleep but Hope couldn't miss out on an opportunity to see Olivia, something in her just had to be around the young girl.


After Josie had got the okay to go back home, she immediately got back to work.

Her hours were changed so it was easy for her to get home in time to spend over 16 hours with her little one.

Josie needed to work and get all the hours in for when she transfer her work over to her new nursing job that's near the home she's moving into.

But as Josie was at work, Olivia was with Lizzie back at Josie's house. The blonde had begged Josie to let her watch her and Josie said yes, obviously.

While Josie was at work, Hope used her key, just as she always do and she opened the door to Josie's house to see Lizzie and Olivia on the couch.

The blonde raised her eyebrow. "You went ghost and out of no where you're back? If you're looking for Josie then you should know that she started work just this morning, she won't be back until at least 2 more hours." The blonde assured.

"That's good, I actually came here to see Olivia, my wolf is having this weird separation thing going on, every since I held her I just feel the need to protect her." Hope admits before scratching the back of her head.

The blonde nodded. "Well, you can watch her until I get back from grocery shopping, I'm going to cook Josie something to eat because she hasn't been eating right and she's been stressing.. mostly about you, so I'll need to grab a few things." Lizzie admits as she wiped the sides of her niece mouth with the baby's bib.

Hope frowned, she then walked over to the kitchen and she quickly washed her hands, she didn't want to carry the baby if she had dirty hands, it wasn't right.

"You can go, I'll watch her."

Lizzie found it weird how Hope was acting and she felt as if Hope was holding in something but she didn't know what and she really didn't want to ask.

The blonde nodded before placing the baby is the bassinet.

After Lizzie left, Hope took off her shirt and placed it to the side. She had read in a book that it's not good to have outside clothes on when you're around a baby because they get sick easily and Hope did not want that for Olivia.

Olivia then started to fuss around and Hope carefully picked her up. "What's wrong?" Hope asked as if the baby was going to reply. "Please don't cry, I'm here." Hope says before she slowly rocked Olivia back and forth as she guarded Olivia's head.

Olivia stopped crying within minutes and Hope was happy with her success. She hated kids but she loved this one, she loved this one too much for her own good, and as much as Hope was sure that Olivia was hers, she couldn't tell that to Josie. Josie would hate her. She already hates herself for it.

The auburn haired girl just sighed with the thought and she turned on the tv as she laid on the couch. She let Olivia lay with her carefully because she had also read books about how babies should sleep in regard to their breathing system and safety hazard.

Hope was getting too attached to the young siphoner? Was Olivia a siphoner or was she traced with werewolf? Hope didn't fully know but she was getting attached to her, and it wasn't a good thing.


Josie had came home early and back before Lizzie. She was surprised to  see Hope instead of Lizzie.

The brunette was more than happy to see Hope. She really missed her best friend.

As Olivia laid sound asleep on hopes chest, Josie took the hand sanitizer bottle and she took some out and rubbed some on her hands.

Josie tiptoed over to the pair and she kissed Olivia on the top of her head.

As she was slowly pulling away hope started to wake up and she saw Josie.

"Jo I.." Hope was cut off when Josie raised her index finger up to her lips.

—"don't say anything Hope, I'm really glad you are here and I don't want another argument because I don't want you to leave." Josie muttered before she leaned down and kissed Hope on her cheek. "I'm moving pretty soon and I can't imagine my life without not being on good terms with you when I leave."

Hope smiled softly, it was a sad smile but it still was a smile that Josie missed, a lot. "I wouldn't ever leave with us on bad terms because no matter what, I'll love you until the end, even if you piss me off."

"I pissed you off?" Josie asked in a seductive way with a smile following after it. "How much did I piss you off?" Josie asked this time in a more sweeter tone.

—"a lot." Hope muttered following with a pout.

"And I can't make this up to you?" Josie asked as her eyes searched the blue ones in front of her.

The auburn haired girl thought for a moment before she frowned. "Stop it! I'm seriously mad at you." Hope muttered.

Josie raised her eyebrow. "What am I doing to you, hope? As far as I know, I'm just talking."

—"you paid a lot of money for Jed to go away when you decided to have Olivia and now since you paid him money he shouldn't be allowed to still come back especially, after telling you that he wasn't. This just seems like another way or form of scamming and I don't trust him around Olivia." Hope says as she placed a soft kiss to Olivia's head.

Josie looked over at Hope as she found herself somewhat close to her. Josie gulped as she begged for her eyes to stay on hopes but it traveled to her lips.

Hope noticed this. And she did the same thing. "I love that you've grown to really like Olivia, considering you hate kids." Josie whispered as her eyes looked back up and into hopes.

—"It's hard not to love her. Especially when she's the daughter of Josette saltzman, the most beautifulest women in the world." Hope smiled before chewing on her bottom lip as she looked up and into Josie's eyes. "Josie, I really have to tell you something."

Josie nodded waiting for Hope to continue but the sound of the door bell interrupted them and Josie sent Hope an apologetic smile. "I'll go get that but after you can continue your thought." Josie promised before kissing hope's forehead.

Hope got up she and placed Olivia into the bassinet as she started to put her shirt on.

Josie opened the door revealing Jed. "Hi, I was in the neighborhood and-" Jed paused as he saw Hope who was in the mix of putting on her shirt. "I hope I didn't come at a bad time." Jed scratched the back of his head.

Josie raised her eyebrow in confusion. "I also hope that you two were doing those things around my son." He crossed his arms.

"Daughter." Hope corrected with a glare. "If she was yours, she would be your daughter not your son,"

Josie finally caught on. "And me and Hope, we weren't.." she paused as she looked at her best friend. "We wouldn't ever do that.." Josie assured before she turned towards Jed. "At least not around Olivia." Josie admits with a soft smile.

Jed looked at Hope and glared as Hope just smirked, she was a little too excited at Josie's words.

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