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Hope grabbed Jed by the throat and she held onto him to the point he was begging for dear life. "Let me go!" Jed groaned as Hope tightened the grip.

"You said I was weak." Hope muttered with a smirk as she continued to hold him up. "You have to know the difference between weak and holding back?" Hope asked as she tilted her head.

She then threw him to the floor and hit him repeatedly. "Why the hell didn't you say something. You knew I was her mother and you continued to be her father."

He spat out blood, "I did it to protect Olivia, you seemed to not want to be in her life as a mother so I stepped in as a father. You wanted her to grow up with one parent while you play cool auntie! So I went to that hospital and I made you remember, so you didn't have any choice. You remembered and you still didn't want to tell Josie about being poor young Olivia's mom so I made sure that you signed the birth certificate. Just in case Olivia got older and wanted to know who her real parents were. I guess the mikaelson's doesn't have a good rep of being there for their children."

Hope scoffed as Jed ranted on, "I'm a good mother! Everything I do is for Olivia! I love her so much.. I love them both."

"You don't love Olivia. You just know that since Josie knows the truth about what you've done and since Olivia calls you mom that you should stick around. But one day you are going to learn that not everything is about you and you can't get away with it. Olivia will hate you and so will Josie." Jed assured before Hope just glared and punched him one last time.

"I don't care what you say, I know what's true and what's not." She scoffed as she rubbed her now bleeding knuckles. She walked over Jed as she made her way back to the car. "I'll drive Lizzie back home and then I'll be at the house."


"I just need a little space, I promise I'll be back."

"Just like you promised to be back in 20 minutes?" Josie questioned as she raised her eyebrow. "Listen, I just want you to be safe. If Lizzie needs to sleep in our guest room until the morning then that's what need to happen because I want you to be safe. I need you to be safe. Olivia can't lose you and I damn sure can't either. You might think that I'm overreacting to this but I could have lose you today. If Olivia and I didn't drop down the anti magic spell then you wouldn't have been so well." Josie tried to explain to hope.

Hope heard, and she listened. "Okay, we just have to find out what's going on with Lizzie and-"

The blonde gasped up as she held onto her chest. "What the hell happened?"

"You were a big help back there." Hope rolled her eyes before getting in the car that she came there with.

Lizzie raised her eyebrow. "I'm fine, I feel fine. I just don't remember what happened after getting knocked into some darkness." Lizzie admits.

"You are alright, just my girls saved you. Thanks for helping me today though, or whatever the hell that was." Hope assured as she started to engine.

The blonde shook her head, "no, no. I'll drive myself back home. You ride with Josie. Plus I have to get home to my family of my own." Lizzie assured as she reached her hand out for the keys.

The auburnette looked up at Josie to see the brunette nodding and agreeing with her sister.

Hope sighed as she got out of the car and walked over to the one Olivia was in. "Hey princess, how's it hanging back there." The small auburn haired girl scrunched her nose. "Yeah, I won't ever say that again." Hope let out a dry chuckle before putting on Olivia's safety belt and then hers. "Okay, we are all ready."

Josie rolled her eyes playfully at Hope and then turned back to the road. "Okay, I guess movie night is still on."

"After all Olivia had to experience today?" Hope asked as she looked over at Josie.

The brunette nodded, "especially because of the experiences Olivia had to witness. I feel like we all need a break."


As they showed up back at Josie's house, Hope took Olivia out and they rushed into the house.

"Pjs, mommy! Pjs!" Olivia squealed as they ran upstairs to Olivia room.

The brunette smiled at the two before closing and locking up with the car.

Things were looking a bit better, with Jed hopefully out of the way, Josie didn't see why there would be a problem at all. Nothing in Josie's life has been good and now she finally would get the chance to relax.

As the brunette walked into her house for the second time today, she's smiled. She could hear the bath running and she could hear the giggles leaving both Hope and Olivia and a sigh escaped her mouth.

Everything was back to normal, she was just a regular old siphoner living in a home that Hope built for her, Hope who was her baby's mother, girlfriend and best friend all in one. Yup, normal. Her type of normal.

Hope stumbled down the stairs as she ran over to Josie. The auburn haired girl pulled Josie by her waist and leaned up to peck Josie on the lips. "Okay, so Olivia is in the bath tub right now, I have to hurry up and get back there because I can't leave her unattended but I just wanted to remind you that you're beautiful." Hope planted another quick peck. "And I really wanted to kiss you, bye now." Hope ran up the stairs.

Josie's face was mixed with shock and confusion. It wasn't like Hope to do something like that but it did bring joy to the younger women. Even left a blush onto Josie's face.

Maybe things were getting better for her.

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