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The auburn haired girl was frightened. She didn't plan on telling Josie, not this time, not this day, not this year, not even in this fucking lifetime.

Hope was scared for the out come but she was sure that she covered up all her tracks, she even did a spell on Olivia to make her hair look half brunette and half auburnette. The only giveaway was when Olivia was in bright sunlight. The sun had too much power to hide Olivia's original color.

The mikaelson girl even tried to keep her space so she didn't seem so clingy, but her wolf wanted to protect her cub at all cost, whether it was just a fall down or if it was her crying because of an tooth growing in, Hope's wolf just had to be there for every moment.

But this all was hope's fault, she was living life thinking that nothing would catch up to her but it did. It did and now she has to suffer the consequences.

Josie tapped her foot up and down against her bedroom floor and then she searched hope's eyes. She already knew the answer by how long Hope was taking to answer her but she wanted Hope to say it, she wanted to hear the words leave her mouth.

With a giggle leaving from Olivia's mouth, Hope walked over and picked her up.

—"a—ma.. ma." Olivia clapped her hands together as she started teasing.

The brunette fought a smile because even if Olivia was cute, she wasn't going to let Hope escape from this conversation.

"Hope." Josie started as the older girl just shook her head and walked away. The brunette scoffed as she followed after her, until they reached downstairs and in the kitchen. "Hope, I need you to tell me why my daughter looks like you.. or is it our daughter."

The auburn haired girl placed Olivia down and she opened the fridge. "Do you want some juice?" Hope asked completely ignoring Josie, as she took out some fruit punch for Olivia.

—"you not talking to me only makes me get the idea that I'm right. I just want to know how you did it. I want to know how you could go all this time knowing you are her other mother in some fucked up way and—"

"Ooo, mommy said b...bad w..word." Olivia says as she raised her cup of juice to her lips. The young auburnette looked up at Hope waiting for her to say something.

Hope nodded along with Olivia. "You shouldn't say a bad word around her, remember it was your rule." Hope says before she reached out her index finger for Olivia to hold.

Josie groaned and picked up her daughter and glared at Hope. "Why don't you watch some YouTube on mommies phone, while I talk to Hope." Josie says as she still glared at Hope.

The small blue eyed girl took another sip of her juice and smiled. She then held out one hand waiting for her mother to give her the phone.

As Josie handed Olivia her phone she was placed down to the ground and she ran upstairs to her room, even though it took her longer than usual to get up the stairs.

Hope scoffed "no fair, she was my shield, the one time that I need her to protect me you turn her against me." The auburn haired girl attempted a joke.

Josie face was flat out serious at this moment Hope knew she was in some trouble. "Why didn't you tell me? H-How did you even pull this off?" Josie questioned.

The auburn haired girl sighed "I couldn't tell you because the first couple of months I was still trying to figure out what I did that night of your 'I'm getting pregnant party' when I did find out, it was too late, you were happy and you still is happy with whatever you and finch have going on so I thought to just be her aunt, everything would go smoothly."

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