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Josie was asleep in the hospital bed as Hope returned from the hospitals main lobby.

The auburn haired girl walked over next to the baby and she coo'd at her.

Olivia Andrea Forbes. Hope thought the name was so cute and she was honored to have Josie name her child after her.

The nurse was done packing up all the stuff and she turned towards Hope, "you can hold her if you would like." The nurse said calmly before she walked over to Olivia. "You should take your shirt off, it's better to have skin to skin with the baby." The nurse admits as she slowly picked up Olivia.

Hope smiled as she unbuttoned her shirt and took off her t-shirt, she was revealed in her sports bra before the nurse handed her the baby.

Hope held Olivia's head as she slowly let the babies head rest against her chest.

The nurse smiled. "That's also a way for the baby to know who her parents are, she'll get comfortable with you."

Hopes eyes widened and she immediately went to deny that the baby was hers but didn't get to when the nurse handed her a birth certificate.

"You should give this to ms.saltzman when she wakes up, and she'll be here for 2 more days so we can make sure she's alright, and that the baby is healthy enough to leave." The nurse says before leaving out.

Olivia started to shift around as she started to cry and Hope hurried her hand behind liv's head as she moved side to side. "I've got you, don't worry." Hope muttered before placing a small kiss onto Olivia's head.

Soon the door opened revealing Lizzie and Caroline. "How's my grand baby?" Caroline asked in awe.

"She's giving auntie Hope a fuss, but she's low key loving my presence." Hope says before Lizzie took olivia out of her hands.

Lizzie smiled at her niece. "You aren't a bald headed ass baby after all." Lizzie said in a baby voice.

Hope glared at her. "Don't say that around her!" Hope rolled her eyes.

The brunette then started to wake up, she saw her family in the room and immediately smiled. "I barley got to hold my girl and you guys are hogging onto her." Josie says as she sat up.

Hope smiled at her best friend before she walked over and lingered a kiss onto her head. "Hey beautiful, how was your nap?" Hope asked as she knelt down to be eye level with Josie.

—Josie grinned and then shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea, it was just one of those naps, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Hope says before she finally decide to look at the birth certificate. Hope smiled. "I still can't believe you named her after me."

Josie shrugged. "What can I say? I love me some, Hope." Josie half joked following with an wink.

Caroline and Lizzie exchanged looks before smirking. "Do you guys need a moment?" Lizzie says as Caroline nudged at her.

Hope rolled her eyes before she examined more of the paper. After what felt like eternity, Hope finally got to the part where it surprised her the most.

Her eyes widened. "What's wrong?" Josie questioned before looking up at her best friend.

Hope shook her head. "Nothing, I just need to go talk with the nurse really fast." Hope says before she put on her shirt and she ran out of the room.


Hope found the same nurse she was talking to earlier. "I'm sorry miss, but you got something wrong on Olivia birth certificate, I never actually signed for this." Hope scratched the back of her head.

The nurses chewed on her bottom lip before taking the paper. "My apologies, I'll go back and recheck." The nurse says before they both started walking back to the room.

When they got there, Josie was a little confused but she didn't say anything.

—"I'm going to just check." The nurse says as she walked over to Caroline who was now holding the baby. "Mm, you're right, I did mess up." The nurse says before she walked out of the room.

"Mess up with what?" Josie questioned.

Hope smiled and shook her head. "Nothing that you need to worry about." Hope says before following after the nurse.

"I need you to sign here, regarding that you acknowledged my mistake." The nurse says.

Hope nodded as she hurried up and signed before she impatiently tapped her foot up and down. "Okay, so I actually did make a mistake, I meant to put Mystic falls hospital, I put an T instead of an M, thank you for notifying for me." The nurse smiled before she handed Hope the birth certificate again.

Hope looked at it and her eyes were still in shock. "How is this legal? I didn't sign that."

The nurse eyes lit up, yellow. "Yeah you did, you did it actually a few moments ago, don't you remember?" She asked as she tilted her head.

Hope felt as if she was being set up, someone was setting her up and she didn't know who. "I can sue you for forging my name on Olivia's birth certificate, obviously that's meant for Jed to sign or something." Hope scoffed.

—"why would Jed sign it? Have you seen Olivia? She's literally a mini you, with her light auburn specs of hair. I can't even imagine how beautiful her blue eyes would be when she grows into them." The nurse was talking weird.

Hope growled as her eyes lit up. "Who are you?" Hope says before she gripped onto the nurses shirt and held her by thread.

"Hey hope." A voice called.

As soon as Hope turned around a pile of dust blew into her face. With in seconds she had forgot what happened a few minutes ago, she barely could even register her name.

The nurse and the unknown person walked away and Hope blinked her eyes a few times before looking to see no one. Had she gone crazy?

—Obviously not but the nurse and mystery person made it seems like she did.


Hope entered the hospital room and she scratched the back of her head as she looked from Josie to the baby.

"What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost." Josie says before she put a spoon full of applesauce in her mouth.

Hope was really confused, she couldn't remember anything passed the point where she found out Olivia's name.

"Yeah, I feel as if I just seen one." Hope says before looking over to the hospital crib. "She's still sleep?" Hope questioned.

"Yeah, the nurses changed her diaper, and I just fed her, can you believe how small she is?" Josie squealed before taking another bite. Hope just smiled in return. "And she's all mine." Josie pouted as she looked over towards Hope.

The auburn haired nodded as she felt a load of guilt. She didn't know why she had this guilt but she did.

Josie raised her eyes in suspicion before she gulped down another spoonful of applesauce. "Are you sure you're okay, my love?"

Hope nodded and then walked over to Olivia who was starting to fuss. "I'm just out of it." Hope says as she rubbed some hand sanitizer on her hands.

"Well, is your mind state good enough for a conversation?" Josie asked as she sat aside her applesauce. Hope simply nodded. "I wanted to talk to you about Jed, he recently broke up with Ben and he wants to be in Olivia's life."

Hope rocked the baby back and forth as she walked over to josie. "And what did you say, when he told you this?" Hope asked as she kept her eyes on Olivia.

"I told him, yes."

"you said what?" Hope eyes started to glow gold as she held Olivia close to her as if someone was taking her away.

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