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The auburn haired girl ran into Josie's house after receiving a text from the girl that she wasn't feeling very well.

Hope placed some vanilla ice cream inside Josie's freezer and stormed upstairs to see the brunette throwing up, hope's first thought was that she was sick. "Hey jo, are you okay?" The auburn girl asked

The brunette glared "what does it look like?" She asked before throwing up inside the trash can that was located on the side of her bed.

Hope sighed and walked over to Josie to hold her hair back. "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner, I had to check in with some people from my job but I'm here now and I got you some sweets downstairs and I also brought my hands for a nice massage." The older girl wiggled her fingers back and forth.

"I'm just glad you're here." Josie says before Hope passed her paper towel to wipe her mouth. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" The brunette asked with nothing but sympathy in her voice.

"Nope, I was actually just closing up a case, so no worries, Hope is always to the rescue." Hope winked before walking to sit by Josie on her bed. "You are very hot," she says as she felt Josie's head.

"It's because I've been sitting in the heat with a cover over me for the last hour, Hope I feel like I'm going to die." Josie moaned as she hugged onto the older girl.

Hope stroked through Josie's hair as Josie chin rested onto her shoulder. "You aren't going to die, Josie, besides, you wanted this baby the hard way, and you knew this was going to come with it."

Josie pushed the girl back and rolled her eyes. "You're so good with your words, Hope." She says before she got up and moved the trash can to the end of the room. "I don't want your help anymore."

Hope sighed and then chewed on her bottom lip. "I'm sorry my love, I was just speaking without thinking and I said some stupid shit—"

"—Yea, I know." Josie rolled her eyes.

The auburn haired girl got up from the bed and she wrapped her arms around Josie as she put a little space in between them so she wouldn't cross any boundaries.

The girl sighed "I'm sorry for acting like an dick." She placed a kiss onto Josie's shoulder. "I love you so very much and I came here to help you, if I didn't care about you then I wouldn't be here for you at all, not that, that sounds any better." Hope says before Josie turned around and cupped the girls face.

The brunette sighed "I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you, it's just I didn't think this through, I knew I wanted a baby and I still do but raising them on my own is going to be a lot, I have jobs that I can't even make it to and how am I going to support this baby the way that I need to, without money?" Josie asked as she looked down at hopes hands who was now intertwining with hers.

The auburn haired girl chuckled a bit. "I own the hospital so you'll have all the time off that you need, and this baby will have an billionaire as an aunt so there's nothing to worry about." Hope assured before Josie looked up at her.

The brunette shook her head "I can't ask you to do that for me Hope, I don't know how long it will take me pay you back and-"

"Just think of it as baby Jo's first gift from auntie Hope." The auburn haired girl winked.

Josie took a deep sigh before hugging Hope again. "You said you brought me some ice cream?" Josie asked in a whisper.

Hope smiled as she pulled away from
the hug. "I brought you some vanilla ice cream.. but weren't you just sick?" She asked regarding to Josie throwing up just a few seconds ago.

Josie shrugged "I don't know, the baby seemed to have gone to sleep as soon as you hugged me, almost like they were waiting for you or something." Josie paused for a moment. "Okay, let's go eat some ice cream." Josie took the girls hand and they went downstairs.


"So, 3 months pregnant, that's 6 months to go." Hope paused for a moment as she handed Josie a bowl of ice cream. "That's half a year, and less time I get to spend with you, so, what are we going to do?"

"I'll be 4 months next week so it's less than 6 months." Josie says before taking a spoonful of her ice cream. "Also, we already talked about how things are going to work out."

Hope nodded "yeah, I know, just a part of me won't accept that." The auburn haired girl admitted as she played around with her ice cream.

"Well, I was thinking and you totally don't have to accept this or want to accept this but you might could think about moving down with me and this baby, you totally don't have to accept—"

"Let me think on it, Josie, I don't see why not but I'll think on it." Hope smiled before looking down at her ice cream. "I was wondering if you found a baby name yet?" Hope questioned.

Josie nodded. "Yeah, but I only came up with boy names." Josie admits sadly.

Hope rolled her eyes "let's hear them." She crossed her arms.

The brunette pulled out a piece of paper from her kitchen counter and she smiled down at the list. "There's Oliver, something that matches my aunts name and I think it's super cute." Josie admits

Hope nodded her head as she waited for the girl to continue on. "I also have Josiah, but that wasn't my idea, that was Lizzie's idea, she said it would be a cute name for a child like mine and I can't help but to agree on it." She paused for a moment as she saw nothing but annoyance write on hopes face. "What? What's wrong with the names?" She questioned

Hope shrugged "I don't know but Oliver saltzman? That doesn't sound right at all, and neither does Josiah saltzman,"

Josie frowned "well I never even thought about the baby having the last name, saltzman, I always thought that they would take the name after their father but seeing as that's not an option, I will just pick something that goes with saltzman."

"I have a girl name for you." Hope says with a smirk. Josie nodded as she waited for Hope to continue on. "What about, Amelia Saltzman." Hope asked before eating a spoon full of ice cream.

"Saltzman is just an ugly name to begin with, but we'll find something. We always do." Josie says before taking another spoon full of ice cream.

Hope smiled at her best friend before looking down at her ice cream.

what if things weren't going to be so bad for Hope after all, she didn't see any problems with Josie having a baby now, but the only thing she had to think about, was if she wanted to move with Josie...

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