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One year later...

"Stop it Olivia, we have to take a bath" Josie says as Olivia shook her head 'No' and ran down the hallway butt naked.

The brunette sighed. "OLIVIA!" Josie groaned as she got up and ran after her. She had been trying to get the blue eyed little girl to take a bath for an hour now and she just wouldn't budge.

The brunette was getting tired of chasing the young girl around but she didn't want to make her cry. She hated when her daughter cried because it pained her so much.

By the time the brunette got up to go get the young girl, she had already climbed down the stairs. Josie groaned as she ran after her but before she could catch her, the house door opened.

The 1 year old giggled before running over to the auburn haired girl who just walked in.

"Hey livy, why are you naked?" Hope asked as she picked her up from the floor.

Josie blew into the air from defeat as she slid her fingers through her hair "she was giving mama a very hard time with a bath" Josie crossed her arms. "It's sad that after a year, you still just walk into my house,"

Hope giggles as well as olivia. "You gave mama a hard time?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Olivia frowned "I bad" Olivia grew more sad with a pout.

"Don't you dare try to make that cute face with me Missy! It won't work this time" The taller girl assured.

Olivia held her hands up to her face as she made an 'O' shaped with her mouth. "sorry mama" Olivia frowned as her eyes formed into a sad puppy eyes. Josie couldn't stay mad at her for long before taking her out of hopes arms and bringing her upstairs to put on a pamper. Hope rolled her eyes, she knew that Olivia got her way with her mama way to much.

The auburn haired girl ran up the stairs and into Olivia's room "mommy's going to give you a bath and you are going to behave." Hope pointed her finger at Olivia.

Although the young girl barely knew what was said and she barely could talk, she knew what Hope meant. "I be good girl, Auntie Hope!" Olivia clapped her hands together as Josie frowned.

The brunette was use to Olivia giving into what Hope said which made her a little jealous of their bond but Josie also loved that for them. She knew Olivia loved them equally but it still made her a bit jealous.

Hope picked up the 1 year old as she tickled her on the way to the bathroom. Josie sighed as she stood with her hair a mess and made her way to her room. She needed a long shower after this.


Olivia was all dressed up. Olivia had on cute light up shoes that matched hopes sneakers. Olivia also had a shirt that read 'I'm the sunshine' with a little yellow sun in the middle of it. While hopes shirt read 'The sunshine protector' that matched as Olivia's. For the pants they just had on comfortable black pants that looked as they were duplicated in a different size.

Josie smiled as the little one waddled up to her. "You look so pretty, matching with auntie Hope, huh?" Josie asked with her baby voice as she glanced over at hope.

Olivia clapped her hands as she jumped up and down. "Mama thinks you look adorable, say thank you" Hope says as she walked over near Olivia.

The small brunette smiled before she wrapped her arms around Josie "tank you mama" Olivia smiled with her 4 teeth showing, she looked so adorable that if you looked at her your heart would melt in 'awe'.

"No problem Olivia, now you should get going with your auntie Hope." Josie kissed the top of her forehead.

She closed her eyes and she smiled. Once the forehead kiss was over she opened them with the same smile before she waved to her mama "love you mama" she says before running back to Hope.

Hope smiled and picked her up. "I'll drop her off around 7, that gives you enough time to at least get some sleep jo" Hope says as she walks over to the door

Josie smiled "don't have too much fun without me" Josie waved before shutting the door.

Josie and Hope still was in contact with each other and the auburn haired girl would usually come over to spend time with her niece. Even though Jed and Josie were still trying out the co parenting thing, Jed barley saw Olivia because the girl would always be with Hope, now that the girl was back in tonight.

On the topic of Hope, Josie hasn't gotten to have a decent night out with the girl or even really talked to her.

The brunette was even growing suspicious of it. Hope and Olivia were almost as Mother and daughter—in Josie's eyes. It worried the girl because a feeling in her was starting to believe it.

Olivia grew into her hair, she was an auburnette as was Hope. The toddler even had blue eyes depending on the weather.

But that wasn't what caught Josie's attention the most, because just last week when Olivia started to really talk, she called Hope 'mama' and even if it wasn't a big deal, Josie felt as if Olivia knew something, even if she was just 1.

Still, The saltzman girl continued to be hopelessly blind.


Hope walked into Josie's room and she smiled over at her best friend. Hope couldn't help but to coo over at Olivia as they both watched over Josie.

The auburn haired women walked over and sat by Josie who was fast asleep.

Josie started to yawn as Olivia clapped her hands, "mommy awake?" Olivia asked before looking back at Hope. She smiled and her eyes widened. "Shh, mommy awake!" Olivia attempted an whisper.

"When did you guys get back here?" Josie asked in a whisper.

"Just now, and I have to say, Olivia was good today." Hope smiled as Olivia leaned her head on the older auburn haired girls shoulder.

Hope smiled "do you need me to watch her, while you take a shower?" Hope asked as she tilted her head

"Yeah, I didn't get to shower because of my lack of sleep." Josie pouted as she looked back down towards her daughter. Without any hesitations Hope just chuckled before going over to take off Olivia's outside clothes and getting out the girls pjs. "Enjoy your shower" Hope whispered before putting Olivia down and walking over to her best friend.

The auburn haired girl moved a string of hair out of the brunettes face and she pecked her on the cheek. "You seem stressed, what's the matter?"

Josie placed her hand over hopes and she frowned before Olivia made a big noise.

Their eyes shot over to the girl and Hope smiled as she spotted Olivia on the floor. "You have to be careful, sweetie." Hope says before she was about to walk over to help her but Josie grabbed her hand.

—"Hope, I know this might sound crazy and I'm all for crazy theories but.. is Olivia really Jed's daughter?"

Hope was lost, her face went blank and her heart went cold, "w..what do you mean?"

"You know something, and you're going to tell me, so start by telling me why my daughter is literally the mini version of you." Josie crossed her arms,

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