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Josie had left a little earlier and hope was still at the house with Olivia. They both cleaned up the kitchen and even started dinner for the night.

Hope hated cooking but Olivia loved it, so she watched so many cooking tutorials so she could spend some type of time with her daughter.

And even though Josie and Hope still hadn't talked out some of their differences, the auburn haired girl wasn't all that focused on the brunette.

—"So, you're about to be 2 next month, how does it feel?" Hope asked as Olivia mixed up the cake mix.

Olivia struggled a lot because she was only 23 months, so it was a bit hard for her. "2?" She asked before she paused. The young auburnette tried to hold up two fingers but winded up holding up three. "2! Look mommy!" Olivia face lit up with a bright smile.

Hope walked over to the young girl and she helped her hold up two fingers. "Here sweetie, this is 2." Hope assured before kissing her daughters nose.

—"nose!" Olivia says as she touched the top of her nose.

Hope nodded "yeah, that's your nose." The auburn haired girl smiled before Olivia started to mix the cake batter again. "Hey, after we are done with the cake for mama, why don't we go visit grandma." Hope asked as she turned on the oven.

"Yay! Grandma!" Olivia clapped her hands before turning over to her mother. "I'm done." She assured as she kicked her feet back and forth.

Hope walked over to the mix and she smiled. "Good job, baby." Hope says before she kissed the young girls head and walked over to pour the mix into the baking pan.

After Hope placed the cake into the oven, she shut the oven and turned towards Olivia. "Okay, now it's time to get dressed." Hope says before she picked up the young witch and they started to make their way to Olivia's room.

The door bell rung, and Hope placed Olivia down and walked over to the door.

When she opened the door she saw Jed, her eyes immediately rolled. "What the hell are you doing here?" Hope questioned as she crossed her arms.

"I came by to see Josie, I wanted to talk to her about taking Olivia down to Mystic falls with me and Ben. Seeing as we are trying to work on our relationship and I—actually, it's none of your business, this is grown up talk." He smiled as he patted down on hopes shoulder before trying to walk into the house.

Hope pushed him back and glared. "Josie's not here, and even if she was here, you wouldn't be able to push your ass into this house."

"Ooo." Olivia palmed her face. "Bad word."

Hope looked over at her daughter and frowned. "Not now, livy."

"There you are, come to daddy." Jed reached his hands out as he knelt down, and he smiled at the young auburn haired girl. "Come on." He says in his attempted baby voice.

Olivia waddled up to him and ran and hugged him.

Hope knew she shouldn't but her heart felt numb, she watched the duo as her eyes started to become cloudy. She quickly wiped the tear that was starting to form in her eyes.

"How's my little girl?" Jed questioned as he picked the girl up.

Olivia shook her head and reached for Hope. "No. No. No." She kicked her feet to get down from him.

There was a lot of things Olivia was feeling and wanted wasn't one of them.

A small smile appeared on the womens lips before she took Olivia out of Jed's hands. "I guess she doesn't want you to hold her." She shrugged.

The werewolf scoffed. "Of course she does, I'm her father for god sakes, I'm sure she is just used to you spoiling her. Something I told you not to do with my daughter." Jed crossed his arms.

"She's not your daughter Jed, she's actually mine. I know it might be hard for that small head of yours to take in but it's the truth and-"

Jed chuckled before shaking his head. "I don't think you should be getting my child's head mixed up, you start getting that mess into her head and she won't even recognize her real parents." Jed pushed his hands into his front pocket.

Hope smiled and then placed Olivia down as the girl ran to hide behind the auburn haired girl. "I don't want to make a scene, Jedidiah. So why don't you go home and call Josie. Maybe then she would explain to you what it means when I tell you that Olivia isn't your child, so just go home Jed."


"What did you say?" Hope asked as her eyes flashed gold.

"I said no."


Hope sat on the couch as Olivia held up a ice pack to hopes head. It was only a small scratch, that was the only out come from Jed anyways.

"Thank you, livy, but I'm fine." Hope assured as she reached over to grab Olivia's Pjs shirt. As Hope put it on the young girl, Olivia frowned.

It didn't take long for her face to light back up. "Mama's here." Olivia says before climbing down from the couch.

Hope smiled weirdly. "What? No she's not she would have—" the bell rung. "Called or something." Hope continued as Olivia ran off and over to the door.

The auburnette got up from the couch to unlock and open the door. Revealing Josie just as Olivia said. "Sorry, I forgot my keys and—" Josie paused as she saw the cut on hopes head. "What the hell happened?" Josie asked

Olivia pointed towards the side of her eyebrow. "Mommy..a..and Jed fight." Olivia says as she looked up at her mother.

Josie jaw dropped, the woman was more than shocked. "What happened, how did this happen?" Josie asked as she put her purse to the side.

Hope shook her head and placed the ice pack down to the table. "I don't have time to explain this. I should get home, to my actual house and maybe a little me time would help me out." Hope sighed before walking over to the door.

"Wait hope.. can you at least tell me what happened, talk to me." Josie reached to take hopes hand but the auburn haired girl shook her head.

"I just need a little me time, to think about me for once. Hopefully you had fun with finch." Hope muttered the last part.

Josie nodded and came to realization. "I hope you don't think there is something going on with us, because I talked with her today to let her know that I couldn't do the whole relationship thing with her. I told her that I didn't like her in the way that I like you." Josie paused as she looked down at her fingers. "I even told her how I didn't appreciate the way she talked to you and that I only wanted you and not her, or anyone else."

Hope glanced over at her with a small smile on her face. "I want you too, josie. I just need time to think about this all, so I'll see you later?"

Josie nodded "yeah, see you later."

Hope turned over and walked to peck Josie on the cheek.

"Bye, livy."

"Bye bye." Olivia waved as Hope left out of the door.

"What's that smell?" Josie questioned.

Olivia clapped her hands. "Food!"

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